Get Out of Here

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Broflovski’s POV

“How the hell did you keep up with him?” Marsh questioned once we got back to our cell. “None of us were ever able to.”

“That is because the three of you who kept Tweak embraced with your presence are imbeciles with the intelligence of third grade students at a low budget elementary school,” I responded.

“Is that supposed to be an insult?” Marsh wondered.

“Yes, but I see it went right over your head,” I responded.

“Okay, quit with the snarky tone,” Marsh growled.

I raised an eyebrow, not like he was able to see it. “Oh, and why do you believe you have control?”

A small growl escaped the wolf, “Whatever, let’s just go to sleep.”

“Are you going to wake me up again?” I muttered.

“Shut up, Broflovski,” Marsh snarled. “Be lucky you haven’t gotten eaten yet.”

"Like shred to pieces or ass-eating?” I teased, pushing the wolf farther on his nerves.

All I got in return was a growl. The soft creaking of the mattress told me that Marsh was trying to end this night. Though, in all honesty, I couldn’t care less. I took some time just to find the corner Marsh pushed me into on my first night. The blankets and pillow still there in their places.

I’m not sure when I fell asleep, due to the surroundings being completely dark, that the morning came too soon. The light flickered on and awoke the two of us. At least I wasn’t awakened by Marsh during the night. Though, Marsh didn’t seem to sleep a wink last night.

“Did you not sleep last night?” I questioned, standing up and stretching out my joints.

“Hm, oh not really,” Marsh muttered.

“How come?”

“Just nightmares. And whatever the drugs those doctors are giving me are just worsening them.”

Now I was finally able to see what the creature looked like. His usual sharp blue eyes were blood-shot and droopy. His ears dropped low, and tail clutched to the side of him. For once, he actually seemed weak and needed someone else. A small sigh escaped my lips as I sat onto the mattress next to the distressed creature.

“What are you doing?” a lazy growl escaped the creatures parted lips.

“You need to rest,” I ordered, forcing Marsh to lay down.

“N-No,” Marsh tried to argue, but his voice went out.

I laid his head down onto my lap and grabbed a blanket to cover the rest of his body. I lightly trailed my fingers against his soft ears.

“Are you sick? You seem really weak today,” I wondered, a bit concerned for the creature.

“We…don’t get…sick,” Marsh struggled to speak. “S…side ef…”

Soft snores replaced the once talking. His eyes fully closed as his breathing softened. His messy raven hair sprawled over my lap as his ears were up. I continued to run my fingers through his strands of knotted hair.

“You are adorable,” I quietly muttered, just admiring the creature.

The same creature that threatened me the moment we met. The same stubborn and angry creature who doesn’t hold back his tongue for anyone. Such a strong attitude for one so submissive. He really is adorable.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Tweak’s POV

“Where the hell is Marsh?” Tucker growled.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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