The Beginning

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A loud buzzing screeched around the bedroom, causing me to jump in surprise. My slender hand reached out to the desk next to my bed & the alarm quickly shut off with one press of a button.
Groaning, I slip out of my warm bed, abandoning my bundle of blankets. I knew what day it was. The worst of any other day. The first day of High School.

"How hard can it be? It's just High School, Ara. You'll be fine." My vain mother tells me. That's her only excuse. She's an extremely famous lawyer & is always on top of everything. I rarely ever see her because of her work & interviews. She gets home around 11:00 at night, so that's probably why.
My dad & her split up 3 years ago due to my Mother finding him cheating on her. That's when we moved here to Ohio, to get a fresh new start. Everything just changed.
She never talks to me & has always disliked me. She said she was disappointed in me a few times before, but I've never really paid attention to the stuff she says.
By the time I got to the bathroom to take a shower, I knew she wasn't here. She gets up at 5 A.M. to get a "daily start" she says. I just know she wants to get away from me. Maybe because I remind her too much of dad? Whatever the case is, I know she'll never change.
I let the lukewarm water patter against my skin & a couple of minutes later, I wrapped myself around a fuzzy towel. I grabbed a slightly smaller one for my dripping wet hair.
Half an hour later, I walk out of my room changed & dried off. I had eyeliner, mascara & a little bit of concealer with foundation. I could never walk anywhere without makeup. It just makes me feel so insecure without, so uncomfortable. I only take it off when I go to bed.

I head into the kitchen & grab a cereal box. It was labeled 'Corn Puffs.' I shrugged. Not really what I was looking for in a decent breakfast, but it'll do. Grabbing a bowl, I quickly poured the milk in it & shake the cereal in. Putting the milk back into the fridge, I grab a spoon & rush to eat. It was 8:34, so I best be going by now.
As I finished, I put my bowl in the sink & go to the door, grabbing my backpack & my earphones. I already had my phone in my back pocket.
I opened the door to be greeted with the chilly winds of September. I didn't really mind though.
Walking down the sidewalk & to the bus stop somewhat calmed my nerves. As I got there, everyone seemed to be fine or relaxed. For me, I was a hot mess, but I hid it well. It was one of my main priorities. Hiding my emotions before they get ahold of me.
I noticed someone who actually looked the least bit nervous. He had pitch black hair & a slight bit of a fringe & one red eye & the other blue.
He was wearing a cream sweatshirt & was listening to music with earphones. I sighed. I didn't want him to catch me staring, so I looked away. Besides, I don't want to waste my time with boys.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2015 ⏰

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