O' Come All Ye Faithful

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Word count: 9347

Clementine looked out the window as snow covered the ground. She sipped her coffee as Louis and AJ were playing some board game. It has been snowing off and on as winter sets in, and it is going to be a long journey before spring comes around. Maya gathered as many herbs as she could to help Ruby prepare for some colds and the flu. She is grateful for Maya and her sister coming into their group after the big fight a month ago. It is now December 22nd. Three days before Christmas. Christmas. That is something she hasn't felt joy in a very long time. She can't remember her last Christmas with her mom and dad. She remembers a little bit of her dad reading to her on Christmas Eve, 'Twas the Night before Christmas, as her mother would make popcorn and roast them over the fireplace. It seems so foreign to Clementine now on that concept. A voice spoke out to break her old concertation on a fond memory.

"Your turn, Louis!" AJ shouted.

"I'm thinking, little man, just chill." Louis looks at his options.

"There aren't many options to choose from. You know I am going to sink that ship." AJ blurted out.

"Let's not get ahead of yourself here," Louis said.

Clementine chuckles at her two boys. "He's got you beat Prince Charming. Wave the white flag and surrender."

"Never, Captain Louis never gives in," Louis shouted.

Clementine arches her eyebrows at her mate, "Captain Louis?"

"Yes, in this game, I am captain." Louis flirts with Clementine.

AJ rolls his eyes, "Well, Captain Lou, what is your number and letter."

Louis looks at his board, "Fine, H7."

"Miss. B3," AJ said gleefully

Louis hangs his head in defeat, "You got me."

"Ka-Boom!" AJ threw his hands up like an explosion.

Clementine lets out a giggling laugh at AJ blowing up Louis's carrier. "Are you trying to let him win this game?"

"Not on purpose." Louis looks up at Clementine sitting on her bed.

Clementine peaks at Louis's board, "You better catch up, Lou. AJ will sink that ship in no time."

"Don't give him ideas now. I need to rethink." Louis looks at his board, "D9."

"Gah...fine, one hit." AJ pouts his face. He looks at his board. AJ knows there is one ship still left. "E8"

"Miss. D8," Louis looks up and sees AJ squinting his face angrily, "hit. I7"

Louis looks at his board, "Miss. D7" Louis eyes AJ.

"Fine sink, but you still haven't found my carrier." AJ looks back at Louis.

"Give me time, little man, give me time." Louis looks back at the kid. "You're turn, Letter, and number."

"A5." AJ looks at him.

Louis hangs his head again. "Hit."

"J5." Louis looks at AJ.

"Miss. A4?" AJ asks.

"Sank. And looks like you win, little man." Louis leans back, and AJ does his little dance when playing rock and paper scissors.

Clementine giggles, "Okay, AJ, time for bed."

TWDG-Christmas Special (post-season 5) One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now