Land of The Dead

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Nevermore kept shifting around in her sitting position, keeping right beside the door of the shed. Her eyes glanced up to the heart, before shaking her head and keeping her gaze forward. The gate to the Orchard was several acres away, yet she could just make out the design of the doors. Beyond that was the expansive pathway leading to the mainland. Leading to the school. Nevermore whimpered to herself, her wings tensing and flinching while her tail curled in. She did not know where Raven was. Raven was her most specialest human, and the human that always snuck her white chocolate cookies for snacks. There was a good chance Raven was one of the zombies like Cupid said.

But Nevermore wanted her human to be okay. She needed her human to be okay.

The door squeaked open, making Nevermore growl in surprise. She immediately bolted up and stood to face the door, with Draculaura and Frankie moving in first. Both yelped in surprise as Nevermore sniffed as them fervently, but she relaxed as Cupid walked in. The dragon sighed in relief as she sat away from the door's entrance. The others hurried forward to let the carrying group in. Nevermore's eyes fall on each and every person, her waiting for the last to pass through before closing the door herself. However, you caught her eye.

You looked like Raven's friends. The stupid boy and the serious boy.

Lagoona: Ouch! You didn't say the sun'd be right in our eyes.

She shielded her eyes while everyone else squinted to avoid the bright sun. You were used to the sun, but this was just crazy. Like someone was shining one of those high-tec flashlights in your face.

Cupid: This world is the definition of bright. It's about 9 AM right now. The virus spread around, when did you say, Cedar?

Cedar: I think it started around 7 AM this morning, but it could've been earlier. That's just when everyone was up for breakfast. Though Apple was sick all of yesterday, so there's that to add in.

Clawdeen set down the table. Draculaura was the one to set up the table itself.

Cedar: But the actual spread started in early morning, probably.

Y/N: Seems like the infection must've sped up its reaction rate if it took Apple a whole day to turn, but then everyone else just a couple hours.

Clawdeen: There's a lot to figure out- wait, pause, are those books growing in the trees?

You all looked over to see a tree that indeed had books growing from it.

Cupid: Yep, we have book trees. We'll just say 2 hours to be safe. Stage 2 doesn't happen until 3 hours after, but we don't know if it'll accelerate because of this being Ever After and they're totally unused to zombie viruses. Ghoulia, what do you need everybody doing?

Ghoulia: Uhhh hurrhh uhhuhuhhh.

She took out her papers and handing them to Abbey.

Ghoulia: Huhh huhhuh uhh.

Abbey: Follow to exact directions. Copy that.

Abbey kept the papers close.

Abbey: Draculaura, Cleo, Lagoona, you are helping me.

Draculaura: Wait, we're making the cure?

Abbey was already taking pieces out of a box to further assemble the infuser. Lagoona began emptying the box with all of the Bunsen burners.

Abbey: Ghoulia and Y/N must go and infiltrate zombies. She looks like them most and Y/N is the most adapt to dealing with such things.

Y/N: Aw, thanks, Ab.

Ghoulia was digging around one of the boxes, and she picked up an empty syringe with a protective cap over the needle.

Ghoulia: Uhhhuh uhhh uhhruhh.

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