Chapter 1

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Prisha!!!????? Prishaaa????!! Prisha moleeeyy?! Her mom yelled her 14 year old daughter's who was busy texting her new friend that she met online.She was in a hurry because she was hiding it from her parents and she didn't want them to know because they are too strict and old fashioned.
Yes this story is about Prisha,
Prisha Hariharan.The studious yet hated by the teachers,The loud at school quiet at home, Innocent yet spoiled Kid.
She has been in the lime light for quiet a long time.She went to an all girls school near her home.She was capable of doing things alone yet she always desired company,she always wanted someone by her side.She always wondered how even the hell is she getting her grades up because to be honest,she never ever cared what all her classes were about.She'd just write what she remembers sprinting through those textbook pages in the last few minutes.
For Prisha,Life wasn't good. She had dealt with SA from a person that is really close to her,Her closest relative,But it was all in the past,Still it haunts her till date.She is ok with the person now.Atleast she's acts like it.She was so loud and insecure.
But she was tagged popular in her school.She has had crushes before but none were of a big deal .She just labelled them as crushes.She once talked tol one person just because he  gave her chocolates when she was 5.She was dumb I know,But then she was searching for a Crush because everyone in her class had one.But she has always liked this boy who was her family friend who once saved her life.
(That was over dramatic).

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