17) Interrogation

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It would be really helpful if you guys point out my mistakes and give me advice on writing techniques.

This chap will be short btw (like always).

Finally! My plan has worked perfectly! I can't wait to hear all the secrets, spilling from their mouths!

I probably sounded like a crazed person, but I have my reason. Dan and Rick sat in front of me, both looking nervous. Don't ask me how I got them in the same room together, without another fight. It just requires acting skills. Include a hair flip right here people.

Anyways, I dressed up all in black with black combat boots. I put my hair up in a ponytail, black mascara, a black bandanna and a stern looking face. I had enough of their bickering and fighting at school and anywhere where they see each other. So, I put my acting skills in play and wala! They're right here.

Back to business.

"What is wrong with you two?" I asked, slamming my hand on the table for extra effect.

"Huh?" They asked.

"Let me rephrase that again." They shrink down in their seats as I glare at them. "Why the fvck are you guys fighting each other a$$ off? And don't give me BS 'cause I'm not in the mood right now."

"Why don't you ask him?" Rick jerked to Dan.

"Why don't you answer the question?" Dan sneered back.

"She asked you the question. Not me."

"You better not start this with me right now or else you'll be ending up in the hospital." Dan threatened.

"At least it will be all worth it. No one would even recognize your pathetic face."

Before a fight could happen I interfered, "Both of you, shut up. What is wrong with you guys? What happen to 'bros forever'?"

They seriously made that up. It sobbed so girly to me.

"You don't need to know Em."

"I do need to know! You guys keep getting on my nerves and its annoying." I know that was a weak rain but its true. "You guys better tell me now or I'm gonna be pissed.

They look at each other then said no.


"Its not that important." Said Rick nonchalantly.

"Not important?" I asked trying to stay calm. "If its not important, then why are you two dumb heads fighting?"

"For fun?" Dan said nervously.

"Doesn't look like it."

"Look Emily, can you let us go now? I need to go somewhere." Anger flared through me.

"I'll let you both go if you just tell me what happened!"

They looked at each other again. Dan sighed and said, "It was just about a girl."

"Can we go now?" Rick asked.

"No! No! No! Tell me the full story!"

"Basically, we had a crush on her and we fought." Rick said.

"Keep going."

"That's the whole thing."

"Details. I need details people." I yelled.

"Fine I'll tell you the wire thing I guess." Dan cleared his throat and started.

"Well after you left, a new girl enrolled..."

The End!

Thank you all for reading my story. I hope you all enjoyed it.


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