001. introduction

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- author's note

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- author's note

Not me halfway writing The Sinners realizing that I enjoyed writing about lesbian!Shiv more than the Kendall love triangle so... yeah. I think it's also much more interesting lol. I may be writing The Sinners again in future but for now I basically have his one very ready. Sorry for the three? two? people who were following that ugly ass story, hope you'll hop on this bandwagon too.

FYC: This fanfiction follows the canon events of Succession from ep. 10, season 1, except Shiv is a closeted lesbian and her ex-girlfriend accidentally comes back into her life. Some things may be added  or excluded due to the presence of new characters, and since I don't have the actual scripts some of the dialogues could be different. Also, English is not my first language, it's probably evident.

This story contains adult themes such as alcohol abuse, drug abuse, domestic violence, sexual and explicit scenes, childhood trauma, homophobia, mental health issues and suicide/suicidal ideation. Read at your own risk.

disclaimer: I do not own Succession, all rights to its creators and writers.

All the original characters belong to me.

"Cherry Wine is a 2014 song from indie-folk songwriter Hozier. This song details an emotionally and physically abusive relationship that is excused and lovingly described by the victim because of his attachment to his abuser. The tone of the song and poetry of the lyrics make the song sound like a pure love song despite its more sinister meaning."

♢      CHERRY WINE     

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