Chapter 3-Anxiety

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Jax, finally done writing, realised it was 11:42 PM.
Jax decides to just go to sleep and then give her the note early the next day.
He gets in bed and sleep, but anxiety and pressure kicks in.

What if she was playing with his feelings or what if she actually hates his guts for bullying her? He was having a mental breakdown at 11:27 for a simple thing he definitely could move on from if rejected to be friends.

( Luckily, he won't be rejected. Jax doesn't know though so shhhhhhhhh. )

12:00 Jax just fell asleep quietly crying. The next day at around 4:00 AM, Jax woke up as if he just got screwed over and still dealing with the issues. Jax blinked a couple of times and then got up. He puts the note in a envelope and goes to the door. He takes a deep breath in and opens the door.

He walked through the hallway to Gangle's room and slides the note under her door. He walks to his room and decided to get more rest. He fell asleep and, bubble, the obnoxious, dramatic, unapologetic creature, woke him up.

Gangle also woke up, at 7 a.m. , with a bit of excitement sparked inside. She rises up from her bed and gets out of her bed, energetically.
(Bored so I drew art)

 (Bored so I  drew art)Warning:CRINGYRINGY

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(Anyways, back to the story)

She hastily gets a happy mask and looks in the mirror before putting it on. She still looks happy, masked or not. She still put on the mask just to be safe. She then started for the door when she notice the letter.

She picked it up and looked at the back of the letter. She noticed it said "From, Jax" on the back. She hesitated to open it at first, but then opened to find something she thought she would never see.


I got motivation cause you guys are amazing and got this story to explode with love so I made this. Also here:



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