Chapter II: The Window

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Before the sunrise, Mrs. White woke Angela and Oolong up. After getting all prepared and they ate something, they had to go to lessons they got on Friday morning. Oolong got home before Angela, because he was younger and did not have as much classes as his sister. When it was almost noon, Angela's knitting class ended. She got home and she was greeted by a warmth sight. Oolong was sitting on their grandmother's lap by the fireplace, and Mrs. and Mr. White were sitting on the couch behind the rocking chair. They all smiled when they turned their heads to see Angela. She did not even put her shoes off and ran to hug her favorite grandmother.

-"Oh my darling! How have you been? Said the old lady.
-I've been doing... great! Said Angela trying to hide the fact that she heard her parents last night. What about you Grandma?
-Oh, I've been quite good lately. I got postcards from Uncle Fred, he went to the Sahara desert! said her grandmother really happy and proud.
-Wow! shouted Angela. I want to go there too when I grow up... Angela looked down. She wasn't sure how she was going to go anywhere if she was married and had kids.
-And you'll go honey, you'll go. You'll do a lot of great things. I'm sure about it. Her grandma gave her a big sweet smile.
-Wendy, maybe she doesn't want to have all that weight on her shoulder..." said Mr.White.

Angela rolled her eyes and looked at Oolong. He looked at her too, remember what happened last night with Mrs. Abernathy. He offered her a grimace, and she made a worried face. Then, it was time for lunch. Mr. White could not do anything other than look at his daughter, looking so alike Wendy. The two of them were laughing and talking together about the new story she made up for Oolong. He was completely in that conversation and even correcting Angela if she got anything wrong about the chicken, which made Wendy laugh even more.
After lunch, Mr. White had to go and work. He only had a few hours on Wednesday, although he worked on the Sunday morning. Mrs. White was knitting in her rocking chair all afternoon while Wendy and her two grandchildren were playing with toys in their room. And then, Angela remembered the window.

-"Hey mamy, is it true that you lived in this house when you were my age? She asked.
-Yes honey, it's true. I lived here with my two younger brothers, my parents and our Nana... said Wendy looking at the old doll house with dolls of her family when she was younger with nostalgia.
-Who was your Nana? Angela tilted her head. She had never heard about Nana.
-Oh, she was our babysitter. She was a dog. A Saint Bernard. Wendy laughed.
-Wow! I would love to have a dog babysitter. At least she wouldn't go away and would stay... said Oolong looking sad.
-Oh yes, she was wonderful. The best babysitter we ever had. Grandpa John and Micheal could confirm you! As well as all the lost boys mom and dad made our brothers... Said grandma Wendy with a large smile.
-I have a question. Asked Angela, putting a doll to the floor and looking at her grandmother in the eyes.
-Go on. Wendy looked at her with the sweetest smile.
-Did... did something ever happened with this window?"

Wendy looked at Angela with a concerned expression. She knew, then.

-"Why do you ask? Said Wendy with a raised eyebrow.
-Well... something happened yesterday night. To be honest, I've always felt like something was going on with it. I just never knew what.
-And mom and dad want Angela to go and take lessons to be an adult. Said Oolong, innocently.
-Oolong..! You were not supposed to say it... Enola was annoyed, but at the same time she was glad that her grandmother heard about it. She knew she could count on her.
-What? Is that true darling? Wendy put her hand on Angela's one. She burst into tears.
-Yes! They want to marry me with a rich man and they want me to have kids and become like Mrs. Abernathy! They want me to have my own room and... I don't want to grow up..." Angela cried. She hugged her grandmother tightly.

Wendy knew exactly how it felt. She just wish that she was able to talk to someone like her granddaughter could do it. But she would have missed on her greatest adventure. She thought about telling them her story as a bedtime story, but now seems to be a good time, as to why she came home after all.

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