Taking Flight

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I began to fly when I was 3
It was so fun and liberating, just to see the whole world as the Sun dawned on me
A fresh new life, set for greatness, with immunity to sunburnt eyes
I touched the sky and reached for the Sun, a point in my life that's gonna be fun

I hit the ground when I was 8
A giant stone lodged in my palm wasn't exactly great.
It took days, weeks in my brain
A costly price to pay in pain
My instincts kicked in, my life on the line
The imagination of it all being over so soon, a relief, shock and surprise

Now I'm 16
With a fresh new track
I stick to the ground and run as I can
I still imagine myself in the sky
Taking flight and flying high, unable to see due to waterlogged eyes
A chemical contamination in my retinas and brain
A dopamine respite, overwhelmed by the fear and pain

Of never taking off again
Being grounded for life, Stuck to the ground
Forced into wheels, not of my choosing
I hit the pipe after not flying hard enough
Knowing that the game I've been winning and losing, is just too tough

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