Chapter Twenty Three: Locked On

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Ryo's Apartment

  Rośe entered the apartment, the lights in the apartment were on, which was nice as the night had fully come through. Ren was in the living room of the apartment, reading some manga. "Hey Ren, where's Kokori and Ryo?" Rośe asked, getting Ren's attention. "They're in their rooms, probably sleeping." Ren responded, looking up from his manga. "Ah, okay." "How was dance club?" Ren asked, Rośe sat down and took a seat, exhausted from today. "It was fun..." Rośe responded, giving her short answer from exhaustion and being tired. "That's good... by the way... How has Hensō-senpai been? He is in your homeroom." Ren asked her, wondering how the silent polymath was doing. "Ah, uh, well... He's still quiet in class... but he does talk to me from time to time." Rośe responded, thinking about her words as she responded.

  Ren nodded at Rośe's answer, taking the information in. "Okay... got it." Ren replied, unknowing what else to say. "Why do you ask?" Rośe wondered why Ren asked about Hensō. She doesn't know about the relation between Ren and Hensō and their interactions that were out of her sight. "It's a bit of a long story." Ren said, memories of Yuki came back to him, those memories then would have felt warm. But now, it was painful and it hurt. Rośe nodded, not pushing her question any further. "Well, I'm going to get ready to sleep. You should too." Rośe said, standing up from her seat and into her room. "Will do." Ren replied, Rośe was gone in her room when he answered.


U-Yung Household

  Jay was carrying Sia on his back, he unlocked the front door of the home. He closed the door, locking it behind him. He carried Sia up to her room, he put Sia in her bed, putting the blankets over her. "Sleep well, Sia." Jay whispered as he gently rubbed Sia's head. He left the room, shutting off the lights and closing the door behind.


  Jay left into his room, he laid down on his bed. He was quite tired from walking around the store, sighing as his body fell onto the bed. >I can't hide for much longer...< Jay thought to himself, he overheard some whispers of his father finding someone who can find him. He cannot hide from his father any longer, and if he does find him, then his father will make him meet his mother... or perhaps worse... >Keep Sia safe...< Any other objectives would be useless at this point, keeping Sia safe would be his top priority if his father does meet this person.


Bethwell Household

  Eliward was holding onto Nelivia, she was shaking her lightly, tears streamed from her eyes. "I thought anime was just some edgy crap! What is this!?" Eliward asked her wife, they finished watching 'A Silent Voice'. "It's an animation about the consequences of people's actions..." Nelivia replied, Eliward had let go and Nelivia just held Eliward as her tears streamed down her face. "And why aren't you crying?" Eliward asked, looking at her wife's face, who just had a soft expression on her face. "Well... I guess it's because I've watched it many times before..." Nelivia replied, "And when you first watched it?" Eliward asked, "Well... I guess I related to the characters and felt their emotions." Nelivia said, her memories of the orphanage and that fateful day came into her mind.

  Eliward wiped the tears off of her face from watching the movie. Nelivia had turned the TV off after Eliward wiped her tears away. The two stayed silent for a few seconds, it was quite awkward after the conversation they just had. "What do you want to do now?" Nelivia asked, it was now her turn to be the one asking the questions. Eliward hugged Nelivia, wanting to feel a bit romantic with her. "I want to sleep with you!" Eliward said, a small smirk on her face. "But we always sleep together." Nelivia replied, hugging her wife back. "..." Eliward stayed silent for a small while, "You just ruined my romantic moment with you!" Eliward complained, "Sorry Eli, but it's the truth!" Nelivia replied, chuckles came from her mouth as she said this. But in the end, the two did end up sleeping together... on the couch....

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