The lights had been turned off. My room was pitch-black. I rolled over to my side only to be met with jungkook's face right in front of mine.

His faint snoring made my heart flutter a little. His soft breaths in and out were so calming. I could feel his arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer every now and then, as if it was by instinct. my face was burning up the longer this went on.

"Hey.. hey jungkook.." I whispered softly, hoping he'd wake up. "Jungkook?" I nudged his chest slightly, feeling it heave up and down.

"What's.. huh..?" his eyes slowly fluttered open, his gorgeous chocolate brown eyes staring right back at me.

My face was getting even warmer. I felt like my whole face was on fire.

"Are you okay? You're burning up." Jungkook gradually started waking up even more, looking concerned. Did he not realise what position we were in right now?

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay! I'm just.. um.." I pulled away slightly, but I just felt his grip around my waist tighten more as he pulled me closer.

"Are you sure you're okay, y/n? You're sweating like crazy and your face is so red." His arms left my waist and travelled up to my face, cupping my cheeks with his cold hands. I could feel myself getting lost in his eyes. He looked so worried about me, my heart couldn't help but beat faster.

"I'm okay Jungkook, it's just.. look at the way we're lying right now..." I said awkwardly. He slowly looked me up and down and as if a wave of realisation hit him, he instantly pulled his hands away from me and moved as far back as possible.

And then there was a big thud.

Jungkook had fallen off the bed.

"Jungkook are you okay?!" I quickly leaped up and looked at him lying on the floor. "Yeah, I'm okay!" He started chuckling. I started laughing as well. "You're so stupid dude!" I laughed.

"Good morning you two!" My mom chirped as if everything was okay and like nothing had ever happened. "Good morning mom." I yawned. Jungkook and I sat down at the table and ate the food my mom had layed out for us. It felt so odd being in this house again. No matter how long I spent in here, it felt so abnormal not having my brother around anymore. We'd always sit here together before school, eating our breakfast. Him not being here and Jungkook being here instead just felt.. wrong?

"Y/n what's wrong dear? You haven't touched your toast since you sat down." My mum said, making me lose my train of thought. "O-Oh.. yeah, sorry about that." I mumbled and picked up my slice of toast.

I've never seen her like this before. She looked as if all the life inside of her had been drained out of her.

I put my hand on her thigh, trying to give her some sense of comfort. A faint smile appeared on her face as she held the piece of toast closer to her mouth.

Y/n was always so happy, as if she was the sun herself. Seeing her like this was so strange, I hated it. She was my ray of sunshine, she was always there for me when I felt bad and lifted my spirits, I couldn't help but try and do the same for her.

My heart was beating so fast. Her smile always brightened my day and filled my stomach with butterflies. To be honest, I've had feelings for y/n for as long as I can remember. I always hoped she'd feel the same.. but.. I knew that would never happen. Especially since she moved away to pursue her dream of being a professional fashion designer, I knew I would never be enough for her...

"Hey, Taehyung!! Can you come????"

"Yeah yeah, I'll be there. Just shut up will you?"

"Ahh you're the best bro!! see you there!! 👊😎"

"He'll be here any minute now." I said, putting my phone down. Y/n and I were now sitting down on the couch, waiting for Taehyung to show up.

"That's nice, I'm excited to see him again..!" She smiled faintly. Taehyung was Y/N's other brother, although they weren't that close, they were always there for one another. He's also been my best friend forever.

Suddenly, I felt her head lean on my chest. He body curled up, her knees touching her chest.

My cheeks flushed and my stomach started filling up with butterflies again.

What's going on? Why is she lying on me like this?

The urge to hold her even closer erupted in me and all I wanted to do in that moment was protect her and be there for her.

I didn't know what I was doing, all I knew is I wanted to be with him right now. To feel his comforting touch. I leaned my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat.

His hand started caressing my hair again. He pulled me closer, my head under his. He planted a soft kiss on the top of my head.

What?! What is he doing?? A kiss?! Huh?!

I quickly moved away out of shock. "Jungkook what the fuck was that?!" I hissed. "I'm.. um.. sorry, y/n." He said awkwardly.

The room fell silent and the atmosphere turned stiff. I didn't mean to get so mad at him but.. why the fuck did he do that? We're not dating.

Some time passed and Taehyung finally made it.

"Taehyung!!" I screamed and ran into his arms. He spun me around a few times and laughed. "It's been so long melon!! I missed you sooooo much!!" He smiled giving me the biggest hug ever. It felt like my insides were getting compressed. Melon was the nickname he gave me when I was little because I had this weird hyper-fixation on them and I guess that stuck with me ever since.

"Let her go, Taehyung."

"My bad my bad. What's up jk?" Taehyung let me go and dabbed up Jungkook. So childish...

"Alrighttt let's get this show on the road!!" Taehyung said and started the car. I was sat right next to him. I need to be in my passenger princess seat of course.

"Why does she get to be in the front?" Jungkook pouted from the back. "Shut up Jungkook just accept the fact that Taehyung loves me more than you." I smirked and tossed my hair back.

"You're so cringe, y/n." He tried sounding serious, but I could hear him chuckling softly. "You know you love me." I teased. He stopped chuckling. The car fell silent.


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