A little fun

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The water was peaceful and serene, the only thing on it being the glow of the sun.
A peaceful day, well, as peaceful for the men as it could be.

Not all of them had something to think of anymore.
Most had lost what was theirs, while others weren't as unfortunate and still have something to hold onto.

All they had to do was sit and watch.
Track what's hidden, try to fend against it, and try to stop any casualties from happening.

But, humanities sins don't wait or stop.
It doesn't stop for anything.
The atrocities of humanity are always there, it Is always there lingering like something that keeps you up all night.

It takes a while for the men to see it, the thing that has them where they currently are.
Sad, or depressed, that thing is what had caused it.

The men don't want to face it, not yet, not when they have things they need to do.
Maybe people they want to see for the last time. Or hug, love, and care for.
Will they get that chance if they run away?

Even if it follows after them? Will the men get to live to see whatever they have left?

Maybe not, but giving up gets you nowhere.
But that fear in their minds keeps them from doing anything but running.
Feet frozen to the ground in absolute fear, it's staring right at them.
Making them instinctively hold their breath.

It's staring into their souls as if judging them for everything they've ever done.
And that is scary.

Though, maybe it wasn't the fact at what they were being chased by, but more so of how they are that made the interaction so heart-stopping.

So much infact, that each one of the men aboard could feel the cold blood in their veins moving as if trying to escape the skin that holds it.

Or, maybe, it was the human-like eyes staring directly at them, as if the men were looking into their own eyes on something, not human.
Something not human swimming after them, slowly.

Judging them for everything they could have ever done. As if it knows.
Everything about this interaction is scary.

To the men, what they're currently going through makes them fail to realize the game they have started.
The game of their sin playing with them, catching up to them.

Their voices starting to yell at eachother, and what's chasing after them, their minds too overwhelmed to even think straight, the memories they hold flashing through their mind as the thought of death slowly gets closer, and closer.

The feel of death doesn't stop for anyone but itself.

How unfortunate for the men they're being played with, played by death, the fear of what's to come is rightfully there.

Because death doesn't stop for anything or anyone.

That is the only thing the men can think of. Death.

It's the only thing their adrenaline infused bodies can even try to comprehend.
Because the face of death is right there, chasing after them with its human eyes.

Only do their bodies move without thought aboard the ship happen.
As if the men can't control their bodies and only run on the thought of slight relief of getting to see another day.

But, you can not kill death. It is forever.
You can not kill sin until the sinner is dead.

Only once after the sounds of ammunition does the cold, skinny hands of their thoughts and actions finally realize.

Oh. Maybe they shouldn't have done that.

Only after does the looming shadow of their consequences fill their view, do the men themselves realize it, too.

Humanities sins, whether it recognizes what it's doing or not, knows what it's doing.
It's making them pay.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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