Chapter 2: Bananas and Bandanas

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Seungmin had started his day in a rush. He couldn't help it; he was just so excited to go back to the wreck.

The day before, right after his encounter with... cute boyTM  (he needed a name for him, and Seungmin was not the most creative person), he had gone back home, typed a half-finished report of his findings to his boss and sent it in. It's only after the mail was sent that he snapped out of his trance-like state, having done all the work with both his mind and body on autopilot. He released a relieved sigh when he reread his statement and confirmed that he had indeed not mentioned anything about the half-human half-fish creature.

For some selfish reason, he didn't want to share his discovery just yet. Maybe later, he told himself. Maybe if he could get a second sighting to confirm what he saw. Maybe if he could get a picture as proof. Maybe if he could make sure that the creature was actually fine and had not died due to him bleeding and attracting predators. Maybe...

So many "maybes" were spinning in the biologist's usually clear and logical mind. Uncertainty was not something he dealt with nicely, and it had kept him awake all night, tossing and turning in bed. It did however contribute to him having an early start of the day. He decided to see it as a good thing, as he chugged his coffee down and headed out to the harbor.

Getting to his boat and then to the shipwreck seemed like it took just a second, but also an eternity. Seungmin was so lost in his thoughts, and he couldn't deny all the butterflies that were aggressively flying in his belly, making him jittery to the point of almost faceplanting as he rushed to put on his neoprene suit.

He still took the time to check all of his equipment, knowing that his safety was more important than chasing after a mythical creature. He wasn't that stupid. He also made sure to take off his bandana this time, not wanting to lose another one to some injured marine creature. The pink one had been one of his favorites, but it was probably serving a greater purpose wherever it was with its new owner right now.

With his camera looped around his neck and his waterproof notepad in his utility belt, Seungmin let himself fall off the side of his boat once more, enjoying the refreshing feel of the early morning currents on his skin. He kicked off slowly in the direction of the wreck, having decided to start his work on the upper deck of the sunken ship.

Although he knew his job was the priority, the scientist couldn't stop himself from swimming around the boat first, scanning around for any signs of a beautiful orange tail, or some honey brown hair and tan skin. The feeling of disappointment that overwhelmed him as he saw nothing of the sort left him almost breathless; his brain trying to understand just how he could have become obsessed with something - or someone - in such a short time.

Shaking his head in hopes of getting his thoughts straight, Seungmin forced himself to focus on his mission of the day; cataloging the algae and moss types that covered the outside of the wreck. If he had a clear goal and an objective to work towards, it would keep him from getting distracted by nonsensical figments of his imagination. What happened yesterday might be hard to explain from a scientific point of view, but it was in the past now and shouldn't be hindering Seungmin from actually getting things done.  

So, that's how he passed his first hour underwater: actively taking photos and writing down notes for his report, seeking solace in the familiar actions that he so often did during his dives.

He was so focused on his work that he only noticed the presence of a large animal behind him as it brushed against his heel. It disappeared under the hull, leaving behind a strong current and trail of bubbles.

Seungmin twisted his neck to try and get a glimpse of the creature, but whatever it was, it was very fast. A seal or some particularly playful dolphins could be good candidates for the culprit, but somehow, Seungmin's heart got filled with unexpected hope that there was a third possibility.

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