Chapter 5:The First Gathering

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Sounds were coming from all around TalonPaw as the RiverClan patrol headed to Fourtrees, where the gathering will be held. DoePaw came up beside TalonPaw and meowed "We're the last ones here." TalonPaw opened his jaws to taste the air and he immediately closed them wrinkling his nose in disgust at the other clan's scents. The head of the patrol slowed as they reached the slope leading into Fourtrees.

TalonPaw and DoePaw stood looking down on Fourtrees for a moment. At the far end of the clearing stood a huge rock with four cats sitting on top of it. "Those are each clan's leaders," DoePaw said pointing at the cats on the rock. Both apprentices rushed into the clearing after the rest of the patrol. TalonPaw pushed past tall, shadowy, foul-smelling warriors. He could hardly see DoePaw's brown tail disappearing into the crowd.

A big dark orange tom stepped in front of TalonPaw making him lose the rest of his patrol. TalonPaw backed up as glowing hostile eyes stared down at him. "What are you doing, little one?" the cat growled, lowering his head and pushing his dark orange muzzle into TalonPaw's face. TalonPaw opened his jaws to speak but couldn't muster any words. Then, another cat appeared next to the dark orange tom. "Let him go to his clan ToadStrike, remember the truce" the new cat meowed and the orange cat stepped back letting out an annoyed hiss. TalonPaw got back to his paws and blinked gratefully at the new cat whom he couldn't see. He wanted to follow his patrol but realized he didn't know where they were. TalonPaw stood there uneasiness creeping under his pelt as he felt trapped between all these cats he didn't know. The voice of the cat who just helped him spoke to him from behind, " RiverClan is sitting right in front of the great rock." TalonPaw was about to ask the cat how she knew he was in RiverClan but one of the cats on the rock stood up yowling that the gathering had started.

TalonPaw rushed to the RiverClan patrol and sat down next to DoePaw who looked at him confused before he turned and looked at the rock. A big dark bluish-gray furred tom with darker splotches was reporting the news that happened with his clan. DoePaw leaned towards TalonPaw and whispered, "That's RainStar, he's the leader of LeafClan." He looked down, below the great rock sat three cats. "Those are the clan deputies. Once RobinSlash is fully healed, he'll sit with them." TalonPaw looked back up at the rock as RainStar sat down and an orange-spotted tom took his place. "HalfStar of EternalClan" DoePaw meowed. TalonPaw focused his attention on HalfStar as the leader meowed "Prey is running well in EternalClan and we have one new warrior, ToadStrike!" cats from every clan chanted the young warrior's name but TalonPaw stayed quiet. He narrowed his eyes at ToadStrike. Once the yowls quieted down, WhiteStar stood up and reported RiverClans news. SeaPaw and CherryPaw sat on either side of TalonPaw but when TalonPaw looked at DoePaw, he noticed the spotted apprentice backing away. "RiverClan has three new apprentices, SeaPaw, TalonPaw, and CherryPaw" WhiteStar announced proudly, and once again cats from all clans chanted the three apprentices' names. TalonPaw listened to his name being cheered, he felt as if he was about to burst with pride. TalonPaw's mood didn't when Fourtrees went quiet again and WhiteStar sat down. Finally, a purplish-light gray furred she-cat stood up and started speaking.

Before DoePaw could lean over and tell TalonPaw who she was, the she-cat gazed urgently at WhiteStar and RainStar. All of Fourtrees was quiet, all eyes stared at the she-cat leader. "HorizonClan is in trouble with a huge pack of rogues. Our clan needs help or I worry HorizonClan won't survive to the next moon." Mews of shock came from almost every cat in the clearing. A scoff came from HalfStar and he meowed, "Can HorizonClan not handle a simple pack of rogues." The she-cat could only glare at him before WhiteStar meowed in a calmer tone. "MoonStar, how many rogues are there and are they a threat to other territories?" MoonStar looked straight at WhiteStar. "There's a few more cats than RiverClan and so far they're all camped out near the heart of HorizonClan territory" she stated, her voice still uneasy. WhiteStar nodded, and the two leaders made eye contact. "RiverClan will help," WhiteStar stated.

The clearing was silent for a moment before the leaders hopped off the great rock returning to their clan patrols. TalonPaw noticed that the clans were mingling more with each other. DoePaw left TalonPaw's side and disappeared into the crowd of cats. TalonPaw was going to follow him but decided against it. TalonPaw looked around at all the cats sharing tongues under the moonlight. He was able to locate TreeFang, she was sharing tongues with three LeafClan warriors and SunStep.

TalonPaw approached the warriors cautiously. TreeFang turned to him and greeted him. "Meet BrightTuft and ScorchBack of LeafClan" she meowed. ScorchBack turned to TalonPaw and meowed "Why aren't you with the apprentices?" in a puzzled tone. The LeafClan tom pointed with his tail to a group of younger clan cats. When TalonPaw didn't move, the tom fixed him with a demanding glare. "You're not even in my clan, why should I listen to you?" TalonPaw growled at him. "Because I am a warrior" ScorchBack retorted unsheathing his claws.

Without thinking, TalonPaw leaped at the LeafClan warrior. "TalonPaw!" TreeFang yowled out rushing to grab him off ScorchBack. BrightTuft cut her off leaping at her. ScorchBack started fighting back at TalonPaw and suddenly the whole of FourTrees was silent as four cats rolled around with each other. All four clan leaders demanded that they stop, but no cat listened. TalonPaw got trapped under ScorchBack's huge body and hard blows hit his face. Besides them, SunStep and a few other warriors also started fighting each other. TalonPaw fought back and was able to knock ScorchBack off of him. In a fit of rage, TalonPaw leaped at the stunned warrior and latched his jaws around the warrior's dark brown throat. He felt the warm taste of blood enter his mouth as ScorchBack struggled weakly from under him. TalonPaw loosened his grip on ScorchBack's throat. He lifted his paw for another blow but was knocked back by DoePaw. The brown-spotted apprentice pinned TalonPaw down.

The rest of the fighting had stopped and six cats including MoonFace and YewPaw rushed to ScorchBack's aid. A black-furred tom with big orange paws covered ScorchBack's wound while the others ran into the forest. The clan leaders gathered their patrols. TalonPaw had calmed down and DoePaw unpinned him. They rushed to the RiverClan patrol. TalonPaw felt uneasy as every cat stared at him with disapproving and hostile glares.

DoePaw walked beside TalonPaw looking down. "DoePaw-" TalonPaw started but DoePaw whipped his head up looking at him, fury in his red eyes. "You minnow-brain, what were you thinking, breaking the truce and trying to kill ScorchFur!" DoePaw yowled out stopping and staring at TalonPaw. The gathering patrol carried on, leaving the two apprentices behind. After TalonPaw didn't respond and stared at DoePaw in shame, DoePaw lashed his tail. DoePaw growled, "RiverClan should've never taken you in. You're as much as a dead fox!" TalonPaw stood there in shock as the brown-spotted apprentice turned tail and stalked away angrily.

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