Chapter Nine

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Twelve Years Prior: Jenilee

Jenilee had expected the reunion of Caden with his brother, Jacob, to be something of a joyous occasion, but the relationship between the two seemed contentious at best.

Jacob was as Caden had described him, brave and strong. He was clearly the leader of this sect of the resistance called the Hive, and his men obviously held great respect for him. But behind all the freedom fighter rhetoric, there was a radical element to him, a fervor that bordered on hatred.

Luckily they were able to patch Caden up on the road back to Carth, where the stronghold of the resistance was based, and slowly his health was improving by the day.

They had decided that it was best to conceal Jenilee's true identity from Jacob and his men, until they knew for certain that they could trust them. So she posed as a servant named Jen.

Riding beside each other, atop three horses at steady stride, Jacob addressed Jenilee.

"And how did a fetching young maiden such as yourself, get mixed-up with a scoundrel like my brother here?"

"We met while in service to the same lord. Caden was working the fields, and I was a chamber maid." She lied

"You strike me as more refined then a servant. You have the composure of a high born lady even." It sounded like an accusation.

Jenilee faked a chuckle, "Thats very kind of you to say. My lady required all the girls in her service to compose themselves with the highest esteem."

"And what was the name of this Lady you served?"

Feeling the need to end this line of questioning, Caden interjected.

"Why did you attack that outpost in Corinth?" he asked.

"It was part of a much larger agenda.. we're expanding our military operations now."

"Nobody informed me of these plans for expansion." Caden replied.

"You've been missing for weeks little brother. None could find you to tell you anything."

"Still, but expansion into Corinth seems premature."

"Much has changed since you left." Jacob boasted, holding himself with great pride. "The tyrants of Carth are on the run, and soon we will take the city for ourselves, for the resistance, and for the people." he pontificated.

"But how?" Caden wondered, "You've made such progress in just two years?"

"I told you when you left that we would be victorious, but still you turned your back on me."

Caden looked away, speaking more softly, "They needed a volunteer to establish operations in Corinth. It was important."

"We both know that anyone could have gone. I needed you here, beside me, but you left." Darius's anger poured through his words. After having said his piece, he then goaded his horse to ride ahead, effectively ending the conversation.

Jenilee could sense the hurt in Caden's face but didn't want to press the issue.

They setup camp in the woods, far off from roads to avoid patrols. Jacob's militia consisted of roughly thirty men and woman, who all seemed worn-down and weary.

A few of his men returned to camp with a cart full of chickens, some bags of barley, and a pig.

"Looks like we've got supper boys!" Jacob hailed them.

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