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...idk anymore I was actually doing really well but these past two weeks everything just hit me like a train

I'm going through a lot of family problems

Um recently my stepdad has been distant with my mom and my mom noticed and then she found pictures of girls and messages on his phone and then he got more distant..

and him and mom still talk cuz they had my little sister so they are co-parenting (I have a different dad)

And the other night I was with my mom driving to my stepdads house because they don't live in the Same houses cuz of personal reasons they have been living in different houses for a while maybe about a year or 2

So we park the car and he's already outside and my little sister walks out to show him something but then he starts being a bitch saying "I don't care" and "go back to the car" mind you my little sister is 8 and that shit hurts when you try to show your parent something and they don't care

So my sister comes back to the car and I make sure she leaves her door open just in case because my mom went into the house with him and if he touches her or anything I will be able to hear because he has gotten in fights with my mom including my brother who is now 17 and my stepdad is 50

So I'm listening and I don't hear them talk much but then I hear my mom walk out and she kept saying "fuck you fuck you Mario, how dare you say that to me, I didn't even do anything to you" and my stepdad was just saying "oh whatever" and at that point my heart was fucking pounding

and my mom gets in the car and she drives off kinda fast cuz when she's mad she drives fast 😭 and I'm sitting there asking what happened and she told me that she went inside and he was just mumbling shit under his breath but then as she goes to leave he said "this is why I'm tired of this and don't want to be with you anymore and your peice of shit kids" (me and my brother not my little sister tho)

So after that I was a little hurt but more so mad but I just went on with my night

So couple days later it's Christmas and I'm sitting on the couch and my brother was in the bathroom and apparently he was in there for too long and my step dad got mad and he started arguing with my mom like yelling at her talking about how we don't love him or appreciate him but it's not true we do appreciate him and love him because me and my brother do have a dad who doesn't really do much

And I listen to them arguing and my mom's just sitting there trying not to cry cuz my mom can't really do anything because she's scared like she can't really argue back cuz he'll do something and he's talking about where me and my brother are going to be in 10 years saying my brother is going to knock up his girlfriend and get pregnant or something and that got me more mad because that's not something my brother would do like my brother is 17 he knows what not to do

So eventually my brother gets out of the bathroom and he goes into his room and mind you I live in a small apartment so I'm sitting here right and hes still arguing with my mom and my brother butts in because we're not going to let somebody talk to our mom like that and he goes and he was like "what's your problem"

And I went to my room cuz I didn't wanna hear anything or see anything because I know that they get in fights and my stepdad has also said "I want to be the one going to jail just because I fought your son and ruin my career"

So I could kinda hear them but then they started to get louder so I go out there just in case because I don't want them to fight and I'm going to be one of the other people to try and split them up if they do and my brother was just telling my step dad that we do appreciate him and he can't talk to her mom like that and it's just fucked up with what he's doing because this whole time me and my brother have been by my mom's side because my mom she's going through a heartbreak right now because we've known my step dad for 14 years basically my whole life

So we're just tell him to stop arguing because we don't want it to turn into a fight and we can't get my brother to stop talking and my step dad he just stopped out of nowhere surprisingly and he goes to the bathroom and we're just like talking to my brother like tell him to stop because it's Christmas my little sister is here and we don't want him to fight and we're going to our uncle's later that day

So she gets out of the bathroom doesn't say anything and just sits there and watch a TV and we calmed my brother down already while he was in the bathroom and later that day we went to our uncle's but there was no arguing ever since and we still see him every day and were just staying by our mom's side helping her get through this

I know the story might seem confusing or fake but maybe it's just the way I say or type it and it might seem like confusing.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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