getting rid of the demon

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Darkbox and Bonniefan go out to find Eth , Kadi And Tara set thing Up , "so what do we set up" Kadi asked , "Well we need a pentagram" Tara said , Kadi finds Baking soda in a cabinet and makes the shape , "next candles" Tara said , Tara looks in the bathroom and finds some candles , "now we wait" Tara said
*several minutes later*
Darkbox and Bonniefan come back with Eth he is knocked out , "nice job guys" Tara said , "he is heavier than he looks" Bonniefan said , "ok put him in the pentagram" Tara said , Bonniefan And Darkbox carry Eth to the pentagram , Kadi lights the candles , Tara goes over to the writing and reads the words , "Demon of another realm , I cast you away from this one , Let the blood you made shed Heal from within those you made suffer shall find peace and you will be in your eternal sleep" , Then Eth screams , no It's the demon it comes out of Eth , "No!, No! , this can't be!" He exclaimed , "back to the shadow realm with you buddy" Darkbox said , Then he is sucked in this portal on the pentagram , Then Eth wakes up , "Eth you good buddy" Bonniefan asked , "Yeah Im fine" Eth said rubbing his head , "what happened" he asked standing up , "We freed You from the demon , There was a un summon spell" Darkbox replied , "oh good" Eth said , "but I was at the school I killed my brother , and I'm still here it's not right" Eth said , " it is right your brother would want you to live , and we want you to live you're our friend Eth" Tara said , "Yeah , we're a family" Bonniefan added , Eth smiles and hugs his friends they hug him back , "thanks guys" Eth says , "Of course" Kadi said , a few days later all the wrongs were undone everyone is back , The spell probably did it , things were finally back to normal in Fazzy town

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