Chapter 1

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The royal carriage was moving along the cobblestone road, surrounded by cheering crowds and colorful flags. Inside the carriage, there were three passengers: the queen of Solara, and her two daughters, princesses Amira and Adella.

The queen was a stunning and graceful woman, with long brown hair and green eyes. She wore a splendid gown of gold and orange, the colors of the sun and the fire, representing the warmth and power of her kingdom. She smiled and waved at the people, who loved and respected her dearly.

Amira was the younger daughter, nine years old. She had curly brown hair and brown eyes, and she wore a cute dress of pink and silver, the colors of the flowers and the stars, representing the joy and wonder of her personality. She was lively and talkative, always curious and excited about everything. She leaned out of the window, trying to see as much as possible.

Adella was the older daughter, twelve years old. She had straight brown hair and black eyes, and she wore a elegant dress of purple and white, the colors of the night and the moon, representing the mystery and wisdom of her character. She was calm and serious, always composed and reserved. She sat quietly in her seat, reading a book.

"Wow, look at all these people!" Amira exclaimed. "They are so happy to see us! I bet they can't wait for the festival!"

Adella sighed and closed her book. "Amira, please behave yourself. This is not a festival; this is a ceremony of the blossoms! A ceremony for princesses and princes only. It's a very important and formal event."

Amira rolled her eyes. "Oh, come on, Adella. Don't be such a bore. It's a ceremony, and ceremonies are fun! There will be music, and dancing, and games, and food, and gifts, and... and... and maybe we can even get to see Lights!"

Adella shook her head. "Amira, you are too naive. There won't be any Lights. Those lights are forbidden to be use. Only bishops and the priest inside the cathedral church have access to the lights, and they mainly use it for a particular reason. We are not allowed to touch it, or even talk about it."

Amira frowned. "But why? Why can't we have feeling of the lights too, is wonderful and amazing. It can make things happen, things that we can only dream of. Like... like healing or immortality, or making wishes come true."

Adella looked at her sister with pity. "Amira, you are too innocent. The lights they use are so dangerous and unpredictable. It can cause things to happen, things that we can't control. Storms, or fires, or curses, or nightmares."

Amira pouted. "You are no fun, Adella. You always ruin everything with your logic and your facts. You never let me have any fun. You never let me be myself."

'Which you should thank me." Adella spoke not caring. "And you are no help yourself, Amira. You always cause trouble with your imagination and your fantasies. You never listen to anyone. You never think of anyone but yourself."

The sisters glared at each other, ready to argue more. But before they could say anything, the queen intervened.

"Girls, girls, calm down," the queen commanded, in a soft but firm voice. "You are sisters, and Nobel princesses, and you should behave with dignity and grace. You are my daughters, and you should make me proud and happy."

"I'm sorry, mother" Adella said, in a low voice. She was always the first to apologize, even when she felt she was right.

"I'm sorry, mother." Amira echoed, in a reluctant voice. She was always the last to apologize, even when she knew she was wrong.

The queen smiled and hugged them both. "It's alright, my darlings. I know you are both good and kind girls. You just have different personalities and interests. And that's okay."

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