the way he looks at me

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I was casually walking through the halls thinking about something and enjoying the fresh breeze everything was so calm until my cousin anne ran to me screaming that someone fell of the stairs but i wasn't listening I was day dreaming about what he told me

But the i snap out of my trans (a/n please if you're reading this tell me if my spelling is wrong anyway) i said to her"i gotta go back to the classroom maybe break is over)and she said to me back "oh ok" i was walking back to the classroom when i Heard a familiar voice it was him my stomach felt butterfly's again he ask me"where are you going?" I told him"I'm going back to  the classroom" and he said to me"ok I'll come with you"my heart was racing when we walked back and we got to the classroom i sighted in relief thinking i was about to burst while we walked back but thankfully i didn't we walked back to our assigned seats but i then i saw him looking at me with his cute face and i looked away and when I got home i told my best friend that i liked him and i told her not to tell anyone but my best friend was a big mouth and a blabber mouth

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