Chapter 5 - The Food Fight

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Quickly whipping out my phone, I text the girls to come to the gaming room

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Quickly whipping out my phone, I text the girls to come to the gaming room. Soon, they both came. Just as they opened their mouth to ask questions, I put my fingers to my lips, telling them to be quiet before asking them to look inside in a hushed whisper.

They both gasped in shock at what they saw. There they were, our parents, sitting there chilling and playing video games while they ate all our snacks.

Clearing my throat, I asked them when they came and why they were in the gaming room eating snacks. You won't believe their reply.

"Oh, cause we were bored and wanted to give you a great surprise!" They say, enthusiastically.

We just stared at them in disbelief before saying "You think eating all of our snacks is a 'great' surprise!?" in unison.

"No! Us coming here was a great surprise! We just got hungry while waiting for you and when we were looking for the kitchen, we found your gaming room so here we are." My mum says, rolling her eyes like this was the most obvious thing ever.

"Stupid kids these days." mumbled Crimson's dad.

"HEY! We're not stupid!" We yell together at him. He quickly raises both hands, terrified. He should be. With just my death stare, people shit their pants. Our's combined? You're dead if you keep messing with us.

"Oh yeah? Prove it!" Electra's parents say. We rolled our eyes at them before taking a deep breathe.

"3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679. That's 100 digits of pi." We say in one breathe. (I had to google this... My brain ain't good enough to memorise this shit. I can only go up to 80 digits.)

Our parents sit there, shocked forgetting all about the food and games. We smirked at them and stole the food back before throwing chips and empty drink cans at them. Soon, they snapped out of their shocked state and started to throw whatever they can find back at us. Food that is. No way are they gonna throw my gaming things.

Quickly taking cover, we used our weaponry skills to defeat them. They quickly admitted defeat after we dominated them. Laughing, we told them not to move before going into the kitchen to grab 3 cans of whipped cream. Placing it behind our back, we went up to them.

"Oh no. I know that look. What are you planing?" My dad asks, shuffling back, as they were on the floor. The other parents quickly followed him.

"Oh, nothing really. Just this." I say, before spraying whipped cream all over my parents as they tried to cover themselves. After all 3 cans of whipped cream were finished, there were 3 hysterically laughing kids, with 6 angry adults that want to take revenge.

As we were laughing, they whispered to each other thinking of the perfect plan to get us back before telling us they were going to take a shower. After a while, we went to take a shower as well.

Grabbing my conditioner, I rubbed it into the bottom part of my hair to let it be easier to brush for the next few days and to make it look shinier. Little did I know, this was either the best or the worst decision of my life...

As I came out of the shower and began to dry my hair, I noticed that the tips were dyed pink. I looked at it in horror. I always liked my hair how it was. Thankfully, after I finished drying it, I found out that it was much lighter and it looked good on me.

Pretty sure that our parents did that for revenge, I couldn't wait to see their faces when they find out that it backfired. Quickly texting the girls, I ask them what hair dye colour was put in their shampoo as I knew they would have found out by now. Apparently, Electra got dark blue and Crimson got light silver.

As I went downstairs, I went to cook some food for them family. After I finished, I yelled for them to get their fat asses down. Quickly, they all arrived. The parents groaned when they found out that their hair dye prank backfired and looked great on us.

We stuck our tongue out at them before digging into our food. Like always, I get compliments for the cooking. Soon, all the food was devoured and we head upstairs to watch a movie. It was between comedy and horror. Luckily, horror won.

After the movie finished, me and the girls were laughing from all the times the adults were screaming so high pitched because they were scared. They just gave us the middle finger while blushing from embarrassment.

"Oh, puh-lease. It's not like you guys weren't screaming as well." Crimson's mum says.

"Matter of fact, we weren't screaming. At all. You guys were the only ones that screamed." Crimson shoots back.

The adults rolled their eyes at us and grumbled that they were heading to bed and that they were leaving tomorrow morning. Replying that we heard, we all went up to my room to gossip about life.

At around 11:45PM, they went back to their rooms and we all went to sleep, wondering how the people at school would think of our new hair. One things for sure, if they don't like it, oh well. If they like it, I don't care.


Hope u have a great day with your fams! Happy Early New Year! Woohoo! 2024! 🥳

Roxanne: Vote!

Crimson: Comment!

Electra: And Share!

Peace out! ✌🏼

902 Words

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