Chapter 6: The Business Blooms

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The sun hadn't yet climbed its way into the Malaysian sky when Hafiz nudged Imran awake. "Rise and shine, love guru! Your public awaits!"

Imran groaned, rubbing sleep from his eyes. "It's not a public, Hafiz. It's just a few letters."

Hafiz laughed, flinging open the curtains. "A few? The whole school is talking about your magic pen. You're like Cupid in disguise!"

As they walked through the bustling corridors, whispers and glances followed them. Students from different years and cliques approached Imran, their requests ranging from shy murmurs to bold declarations. Each sought the touch of Imran's pen for their romantic endeavors.

Amidst this newfound attention, Imran found a quiet corner during lunchtime to reflect. "I didn't expect it to get this big," he confided in Hafiz, who had taken to acting as his unofficial manager.

"Big? It's colossal! But we need to manage this properly," Hafiz said, his eyes gleaming with entrepreneurial spirit. "You need a system, schedules... maybe even a pricing plan?"

Imran frowned. "A pricing plan? I'm not sure about charging people for this."

Hafiz shrugged. "Think about it. You're offering a valuable service. And hey, a little pocket money wouldn't hurt."

The conversation was interrupted by a soft tap on Imran's shoulder. It was Aisha, a quiet girl from his literature class. "Um, Imran, could you help me? I... I want to write a letter to someone, but I don't know how."

As Imran spoke with Aisha, helping her articulate her feelings, he realized that this was more than just a hobby or a business. It was a chance to connect, to help his peers find their voices in matters of the heart.

The following days saw Imran juggling his newfound role. He set up a discreet system to receive requests and deliver letters, often using the school's library as his workspace. The thrill of helping others was exhilarating, but the demands began to pile up, encroaching on his study time and personal reflection.

One evening, as Imran sat surrounded by letters waiting to be written, he felt a twinge of doubt. Was he really helping these people, or was he just enabling them to hide behind his words?

Hafiz noticed his friend's furrowed brow. "What's up? Writer's block?"

Imran sighed. "I don't know, Hafiz. Am I doing the right thing here?"

Hafiz sat beside him, his tone serious for once. "You're helping people, Imran. Maybe in ways you don't even realize. But remember, you can't pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself too."

That night, Imran lay in his bed, pondering Hafiz's words. He realized that his journey as the school's love letter writer was not just about crafting words for others. It was also a journey of self-discovery, learning to balance his gift with the responsibilities it entailed.

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