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Tom paced in his throne room, waiting for his inner circle to answer his summons. He finally killed pettigrew and feed the filthy rat to Nagini. He looked up when he heard Severus and his family apparate in the room. They stood at his side and they continued to wait. When everyone had arrived, he started the meeting off by asking if anyone had news. The information brought to him was the typical things that always came to him, from new order recruits to news about the ministry and how Lucius was running it now that he was minister. The only new and relatively shocking news came from the twins.
"We heard from our sources that the soon to be ex-Lady Potter wants to sleep with our resident bastard of a potion's master." George said
Severus snorted in disgust, but everyone looked at his wife. She was tiny, but she was a Malfoy by birth and a Snape through marriage. She growled and looked ready to apparate to the Order's headquarters and kill the whore. Severus looked at his wife and saw her reaction. He placed his hand on her arm to calm her.
"Darling please calm down. You know I would never do anything like that to hurt you." Severus said.
"I know you won't, my love, but I don't trust that ginger whore as far as I can throw her." Ana replied.
Tom looked at his brother and sister-in-law.
"Please leave the marit-"
"Shut it Tom!" Ana snapped. Everyone knew that even though the Dark Lord controlled the Death Eaters, no one controlled the Snapes, especially Ana.
Tom stayed quiet and let Ana take charge, fearing her wraith.
"Fred, George, Barty, and Rabastan. You four are to go and make an arsenal of weapons for our side. Give the order faulty ones. Fred don't do anything stupid." She said. Fred and Rabastan had learned a few days ago that Fred was pregnant. They nodded and left to go work on them.
She turned towards Severus.
"If I see you anywhere near that whore, I will castrate you in your sleep Snape!" 
Severus nodded at his wife, eyes wide at her threat. No one dared to laugh at the poor man, knowing her threat wasn't to be taken lightly.
It was an initiation for new Death Eaters when suddenly a young woman around the age of twenty two came up to Severus.
"Hello." She purred, "I'm Elena. Nice to meet you." She held out her hand expecting him to shake it.
Severus scoffed at the younger woman knowing exactly what she wanted. It didn't happen often, but the moment it happened, his wife would stake her claim. He smirked down at the fake blonde, her thinking she scored, him watching his wife walking their way.
Anastasia saw a fake blonde walking towards her husband and saw how she practically threw herself at him. She saw red. She smirked when he scoffed at her. Ana began to walk towards the two, murder in her eyes. She tapped the blonde on the shoulder, and as she turned, Ana punched her in the face.
"No one flirts with my husband without a death wish." She spat. She smirked when she heard the whore get up and try to attack her from behind. She turned at the last second and kicked her in the stomach. She jumped on her and began to punch and kick her. She didn't need magic to kick arse. Ana beat the woman until she was so bloody, bruised up and cut from Ana's wedding ring hitting her skin, to the point her face would be permanently be disfigured.
"Never mess with me, my husband or my son again or I will end you."
End of Flashback
They shivered at the memory, while Abaraxas laughed.
"You tell him mother." He told her. Ana winked at her baby as Severus looked at him, mock betrayal on his face.
"Traitors." He said, jokingly.

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