Chapter 1

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A/N sorry about grammar in advance, I'm gonna try and fix it

"Mom, I promise I won't do anything stupid. I'm 20 years old!" I say with an annoyed tone. I zip up my last suitcase and set it on the floor, we're shipping all of my things on a small moving truck. I only live in Arizona so I'm just gonna drive, I'll need to have a car there anyways. Matt texted me and told me that since I have almost as many followers on vine as he does MAGCON wants me to join!! I'm so excited, I've always wanted to go to MAGCON but .now I'm a part of it! My moms not happy though, she thinks that since I'm the only girl staying on the tour bus with Jack G, Jack J, Cameron, Aaron, Nash, Brent, Taylor, Matt, Sam, Shawn, and Hayes that something bad is going to happen. I told her I'd be fine. "Alexis Marie! Have you been listening to anything I said?!" She yells at me pulling me out of my thoughts, "Yes mother!" I reply throwing my backpack over my shoulder. "Well then come downstairs you need to leave or you'll be late!" She yells up the stairs. I walk out of my room pulling my last suitcase behind me, I walk down the stairs and as I reach the bottom my phone rings. I pull it out of my pocket and answer it

"Hello?" I say not bothering to look at the caller ID
"What's up girl!" Matt yells through the phone "You left for Cali yet?" He adds
"Nope, but I'm about to leave. I'm so excited! Are the guys there yet?" I ask
"Nash has been here for a few days and Cam got here and 4 hours ago." He replied
"Hey I gotta go I'm about to leave, I'll see you in a few hours! Bye Matt!" I say hanging up the phone.

I put my phone back into my pocket. "Mom I'm leaving. Love you" I say to her as I give her a hug. "I love you too, don't be stup-" I cut her off "Mom I'm 20, I won't. I promise." I let go of her and start to walk out the door. "I'll call you later" i say as I shut the door behind me.

----6 Hours Later----

I got a text from Matt while I was at a gas station.
(That's matts contact for a friendly joke thing)
Matt 😷- You almost here
Me - Yeah be there in 30 minutes to an hour
Matt 😷- See you then, Cams excited to meet you
Me - Really, what does he look like
Matt 😷- You've never heard of Cameron Dallas?
Me - No..?
Matt 😷- I'll send you a pic
Me - okay
Matt 😷- *sends picture above* he told me to send this one 😂
Me - Holy crap, that's Cameron? 😍
Matt 😷- Don't get all fangirly on me. I gotta go text me when you get close
Me - Alright

I filled my car with gas, paid for it, and got back in to finish the last part of the drive. I plugged my iPhone 6+ into the aux-cord and out on Earned It by The Weeknd. Gosh I love him.

----55 Minutes Later----

I texted Matt

Me - Hey I'm about 5 minutes away
Matt 😷- Aight

After about 5 more minutes of driving I pulled up at our house. Matt, Nash, and Cameron walked out the front door to greet me as I got out of my car. "Nice car, I missed you" Matt said as he came up to me and gave me a hug. I hugged him back and said "OI missed you too! Glad I'm here!" I let him go and went to hug Nash and Cameron "Hey guys! I'm a hugger, sorry" I sad. "Its all good" they replied at the same time. I hugged them both and then went to start getting thing out of the back of my Mustang. I opened the truck and Cameron came to help me "You don't have very many things back here" he said as he pulled out my two suitcases and closed the trunk. "I have a small moving truck coming with the rest of my stuff, it'll be here in an hour or two. Thanks for helping" I said back as I threw my bag over my shoulder. "Oh, sweet" he replied.

I followed him into the house as Matt and Nash already went inside. He started up the stairs and I tried to grab one suitcase to help him out "Nah I got it. You're too beautiful for heavy lifting" he said, I blushed and look down. He called me beautiful.

We continued up the stairs and into a room to the left of the stairs. It was huge! It had a king sized bed, glad I didn't bring mine from home, a bathroom, and a walk-in closet. He put my suitcases on my bed and sat down, patting the spot beside him. I threw my bag at the foot of the bed and sat down beside Cameron. "You know I meant what I said, about you being beautiful" he said and looked down, blushing. "You did?" I asked him "Of course, you're gorgeous" he replied. He started to lean in. I did the same.

*Knock Knock* We pulled apart quickly. "You guys coming to Taco Bell with us" Nash said as he walked in the door. We both stood up, I grabbed my phone and followed Cameron and Nash out the door. "Who's car are we going in?" asked Nash, "Matts already in his so we'll go in Matts car" he replied.

-----At Taco Bell-----

I got a call from the moving company, they said they'd be here in 15 minutes. We finished eating and went back to the house to wait for the movers. They showed up and we got all my stuff out of the back and into my room and they left. Nash went to go take a shower in his room and Matt had to go to the store to get stuff for a collab video were gonna make. So that left me and Cameron. "You want help unpacking?" he asked me walking into my room with two bottles of water. He tosses me one as I answer "That'd be lovely" I point to a suitcase and tell him to move clothes from that to my dresser. I started unpacking my other suitcase full of my shoes and decorations. "Uh, Alexis." he says "Yeah Cameron?" I sat not turning around "What's this?" he asks. I turn around to find him holding up one of my lace thong and bra sets. "Wrong suitcase! Switch!" I yell, pushing him towards the other suitcase. He laughs and starts to put my many, many pairs of vans (and other shoes) in the closet. After about an hour of unpacking we finished and walked downstairs to Nash and Matt setting up the stuff for our video.

"Guys I'm gonna go change before we do this" I run back upstairs and into my room, shutting the door behind me. I change into a pair of black leggings and one of my dads old t-shirts with my black chacos. I walk back down the stairs and sat in the chairs (I made a rhyme 😂) in-between Cameron and Matt. Nash turns on the camera and sits on the other side of Cameron.

This is going to be interesting...


Hey guys!!! What is up?

hope you like my story, if you want to read a Jc Caylen fanfic check out my other book

Baii 🖖


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