Chapter 2: New Friends

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The sound of a groan can be heard from Y/n as he woke up early in order to get ready for his new school at the new place. He yawned and woke up. He quickly walked to the bathroom to clean himself out before getting dressed for school.

Y/n: "Looking good as usual Y/n"

Y/n said to himself as check himself in the mirror. He then quickly pick up his bag, not knowing that inside of the bag is a small creature that will change his life for the better or the worse.

Y/n when to the kitchen where he sees his mother and aunt in the kitchen talking with each other. His Aunt Lilith is cooking and putting waffles on the table, while his mother, Eda, is just watching her. Y/n greets both of them and sit down on the table and enjoying his breakfast.

Lilith: "The first day of school! How exciting. I remember the day when your mother and I went to high school. It was a day I never forget."

Aunt Lilith suddenly said to Y/n as he looked at her. His aunt seems to be in a deep state of nostalgia where she is remembering the hold old days of schools. Eda facepalm and groan when she heard Lilith remembering about the old school days.

Eda: "Only you will think the first day of school is fun. For me, it is the beginning for the year of boredom and depression that i want to forget."

Lilith: "Of course you will think that. You always snooze off during lessons and love to play pranks to other students and teachers"

Eda: "Ah. Thank you for making me remember the only good times I had during my time at school."

Y/n: "I have no idea how you manage to graduate from high school."

This doesn't only make Aunt Lilith laughing but also makes his mother give him a small playful glare and hit him on the head, making him winced.

Eda: "Don't talk to your mother like that. And to how I managed to graduate. It's thanks to my natural intelligence and charms of course."

Lilith: "Or it's because of your husband Paul."

Eda eyes went wide when she heard the name of her beloved husband. Lilith quickly closed her mouth when she accidentally said the name of her brother-in-law. The joyful moment in the kitchen seems to stop and was ganti by a sad moment.

Lilith: "Eda. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to"

Eda: "'s fine."

Eda quickly got up from the chair, thanks Lilith for the breakfast, kiss Y/n on top of his head and give him and encouragement for the first day before walking out of the kitchen. Y/n looks at his aunt who seems to be feeling guilty about what she said. He sigh and get up from the chair and give his aunt a hug.

Lilith: "Y/n?"

Y/n: "It's fine Aunt Lilith. Mom just have a hard time with what just happened. She doesn't hate you for saying dad name or anything. Just give her some time for herself"

Lilith listen and nod her head. She hugged her nephew back as they enjoyed their moment together. Y/n quickly released himself from the hug when he noticed he's going to be late.

Y/n: "Sorry Aunt Lilith. But I'm going to have to cut the hug off because I'm going to be late to catch the school bus"

Lilith: "Oh don't worry sweetheart. I understand. Now why are you still here?"

Y/n smile at his aunt before running out of the house. He then sees the bus and quickly running fast towards the bus.

Y/n: "Wait!"

Y/n yelled out as the bus began to move. He quickly tap the side of the bus as he still running. Y/n sees the bus driver noticing and grumbling under his breath. He seems to be thinking of just driving away. But was stop when a girl came next to the bus driver and told him to stop. The bus driver complained but comply. The bus stopped and Y/n walked into the bus.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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