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*In Seoul*
*In commissioner office*

In commissioner office everyone was waiting for commissioner. As soon as the commissioner entered everyone stood up and bowed to him he motioned everyone to sit and said "gentlemen, you all are committed officers of the defense services, the police and intelligence department. The topic we are going to discuss in this meeting is very serious & very dangerous. All that we speak about it is insufficient." He opened a file & said
"According to this report the power spreading the violence and terroris on the rise. All the business man's who are involved in black marketing and the smugglers are smuggling drugs along with weapons. It's not just a stray incident. It's a huge organization and there's a power outside our country funding it"
*somewhere else*
"Hail Mugamboo" Said some people
& rised their right hand fist to the man who was sitting infront of them in his big throne. "Mr.Mugamboo, after burning the godowns whatever grain was left over has been flooded in the market after adultrating it at black rates. " Said man1. Man2 "
Mr. Mugamboo, more than lakh gambling dens & pubs have been started! We are making huge profits" "Mugamboo is pleased. Jake! John! use this money to destroy & ruin other things. These riots, killing, stabbing, looting and the confusion. If it continue sin the vein in Korea the day is not for when mugamboo's dreams will be realised!" Said mugamboo
" We want an spot on busan coastcoast. From where we can send weapons as & when we please." Said Michael "Will it will be done" Said mugamboo. "Definitely" Said jake & John. "Mugamboo is pleased. Senseless koreans. To date they have learnt nothing from their history. Whenever they fought against themselves.... An outsider enslaved them. Yet they fight against themselves in the name of religion,caste! Mugamboo will give them weapons to kill each other. And when they themselves will have hacked away their own foundation.. Then I'll take my next step. The whole country will be at my feet! And that day every Korean will be on my feet. And will say.. Hail Mugamboo, the king of korea" Said mugamboo. "Hail Mugamboo" Said everyone. "Mugamboo is pleased " Said Mugamboo. He stood from his throne and came forward and snapped his fingers suddenly some passage (passage or whatever they say that i don't know) opened and it was filled with red color acid he dipped a gun in it and it melted in a fraction of minutes. After that he called 3 boys & said them to jump in it and in a few seconds there was only their bones inside the acid. " Mugamboo is pleased. The day i get that formula" "What formula"" The use of which man becomes invisible"said mugamboo " A formula that renders
Man invisible? How is it possible?" Said John. "And why not? Science has progressed in leaps & bounds. It's wrong to assume that what is not true today will never be. I am not going way back into the past. Just 100 or 150 years. Then if somebody said you'd have iron ships that would fly in air(airplane) they'll take you places in minutes people would brand him mad. But it happened. And nobody is surprised to see them today. If someone told akbar (indian king) about the telephone or radio he wouldn't believe it. We are not willing to believe what we can't see. Then it was impossible to believe that your insides could be pictured (s/ts:hahaha) then people laughed as you do now. But today x-rays are normal." said prof. Student "sir" "Yes raman" " Sir just as x-rays helps you to look inside a man can science invent something which will turn man invisible?" Said student. Prof"What stupid question is this? Nothing like this is possible?" "But sir you said science-" "please sit down. This is no time for jokes. Sit down." After a while when prof was at his home & got some flashback "Dr.kai, We want you too give us the formula" Kai"No way" "Don't be stupid! If you remain adamant, your assistant professor suho will give us at any cost. That is why I say don't be foolish! Give us the formula and we'll pay you your price" Kai"you can't buy it! I'll call the police!" (Suddenly 2 gun shots were heard & dr.Kai died)
"NO" Said suho who was at the door all this time & ran from there. "Catch him! Don't let him escape! " Suho immediately ran out of the lab & locked it up from outside. End of flash back. Raman "sir" Suho "Oh Raman what's the matter" Raman " I upset you in the class today, so i-" He was cut of by kai " No actually I made a mistake. Your question was right. But he had the right to answer it" Said while pointing at kai photo. "Who is it sir" Said Raman. Suho "He was a great scientist. You might recall I introduced you to his son, taehyung" Raman "The one you said who live with many kids" Suho "Right, He spent his childhood without his parents. He feels their pain. When he sees any orphan he takes them home. His house is a mini hostel. "
*With Taehyung*

JIMIN, PARK JIMIN, aish my eggs" Said tae. Jimin"what is it tae, why are you crowing like a madman in early in the morning?". Tae"first of all i don't understand, why your parents named you calendar" Jimin"They wanted too." Tae "even if your were named as queen Elizabeth instead of jimin, you'd still been a cook where were you dead? " Said while stirring something on the stove. Jimin"in my room" Tae"Die where you want but tell me why do I've to cook for half the kids every morning breakfast while you being here, tell me, speak up, answer." Jimin"your luck, whose mistake is it?" Tae"The mistake is that you don't know the difference between sleeping & dying everyone sleeps & gets up but you never get up. Be warned if you are late tomorrow. I'll deduct it from your salary" Jimin"sure go ahead, atleast then I'll get my salary. My god, it's been 5 years I haven't seen my salary. What color is it? " Tae"purple" Jimin"really? & hear this morning news the groceries are almost finished" Tae"we'll get it from lucus hyung's store" Jimin"Mr. Lee came for the rent" Tae"we'll pay it, we're not running away with his house. Did kids bath?" Jimin"yes yesterday. Now they are having sweet dreams in their bed."


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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