let me rest. (☁️🌷)

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Genre: angst
Ship: none(platonic hyunchan)

Angst involves:
Over working
Depressed thoughts
Developing ED
(Slight?) Anorexia
(tell me if I missed anything!)

Bangchan has been working non stop, barely eating and not taking care of himself, he still does his lives as usual but it's not as happy as they used to be when he wasn't overworked.

His fans noticed this and decided to comment for the other members to check up on chan during the live. What they find in Chans room after he was done shocked all of them.


It was morning time as bangchan was already up making breakfast for the others, he then heard a door open and looked behind him to see a messy haired blonde come out. "Hey hyunjin, I'm just finishing up Breakfast, can you go wake up the others while I set the table?" He asked with a smile "sure"

and with that hyunjin left to get the others, after a few minutes everyone came to the dining room and sat down, chan gave everyone drinks and told them to eat, bangchan didn't bother eating the plate he had for himself, he looked at it and his stomach turned, he was hungry, but he didn't want to eat. He just began to wash the dishes he used for cooking, not bothering to even take a bite or drink the beverage he set at the table for himself as well. Hyunjin took note of this and looked at him "hyung, come eat don't worry about that now, hurry and eat before it gets cold" he said after swallowing

Chan shook his head "I'll eat after I'm done" after a few more minutes he was finished and sat down at the table "this is SOOOOOOOO delicious " seungmin said, over exaggerating as usual. "I know right! Chans cooking is so delicious" han agreed with the boy that resembled a puppy.

Chan smiled, atleast they loved his cooking "glad you like it" he said, not touching his food at all, which just made hyunjin more worried about him. After breakfast they left and watched a movie, besides hyunjin and chan, Chan was cleaning while the others were in the living room and hyunjin grabbed his shoulder lightly "chan, please eat" hyunjin asked but chan didn't answer fast forward to all of them in the living room, chan laughed due to Felix making a joke but as he laughed he winced, his stomach had a bad piercing pain, and when he tried to move he winced again, he slowly got up and tried to walk normally to his room but after he got in there he limped to his desk.

"Where did hyung go?" Hyunjin looked around as he entered the living room "ah, he went to his room" Felix answered, "do you want me to check on him?" Felix asked hyunjin.

"I'll check on him after atleast half an hour." Hyunjin said and they all started to watch a movie.

Chan was sitting on his bed, he was so tired but he had to work on an upcoming song, he started to work, he did this yesterday too, but he didn't know how time would reflect his work so he just kept going and going, possible till he couldn't anymore. The group has been doing comebacks so close to each other that chan didn't even want to work or go out, which worried certain people but he always assured people things were fine.

Soon half an hour had already passed and hyunjin got up to check on the eldest of the group and he found the door wide open which chan usually didn't do because of how much he works, but hyunjin entered the room to see chan passed out on the desk he usually uses for lives and work, the only thing that left hyunjins mouth was a sigh, a mixture of disappointment and worry, he saw papers and Chans computer wide open that the male had passed out on.

Hyunjin cleaned the papers and carefully took the computer from under chan and closed it and set it beside chan, he tried to get the other but the other was obviously dead weight, hyunjin couldn't tell if chan was passed out(blacked out) or asleep. He exited the room and called for Felix to help get chan on the bed and Felix came.

Bangchan oneshots(Mostly Angst+Fluff)Where stories live. Discover now