only for a moment... momento mori.

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i am diseased with something nobody can see.

it grows like the plants and flowers around me

strangler vines tie me to nature's ground.

i am diseased with something.

the autumn leaves caress my head.

i am diseased.

my words become ones of forget me nots
as the vines grow.

my blood colors the roses and fills my lungs.

an invisible disease

as my lips go pale, as small, as poisonious, as destroying angels
you cannot see for i cannot speak

i am rotting, the sweat beauty of rot.
i am touched by nature yet not touched at all.

like crying angels i am frozen, blinded and guided to my death for that is life.

in the end you reap what you have sown.

all you have sown is something untouchable, unwanted and now i rot.

rot away as the scythe cuts me down to remove me.
but nothing can move me from this ground as i am prisoner here.

i only wish i was gentle, but i am the brutality before the caress of death.

i am the reminder of the lethal blade, i am not beautiful.
which makes this invaluable.
momento mori.

(this isnt a rose fanfic.) A rose with a thousand thorns.Where stories live. Discover now