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Out in the void of space near Earth a reptilian themed spaceship. Within the ship was the alien army called the Repteidolons.

"My queen! My queen! We've arrived at Planet 22-367J!" A very excited female gecko appearing Repteidolon said running up to their queen. The queen was a tall t-rex appearing Repteidolon woman with color changing scales and eyes glowing like diamonds. "Excellent. Now let us enter the planet and retrieve my husband," The queen Repteidolon said.

On Earth in a city called Willow Valley a woman was walking through a high tech base. This base is the base of the organization known as the Omega Space Defense Patrol or OSDP for short. This woman walking through the base is Imelda Becker, the commander of all of OSDP's operations. Imelda walked with a purpose for she had just been informed of an unknown alien energy signature just outside of Earth's orbit.

Imelda entered a dark room filled with multiple people working on computers and watching a large screen showing an image of Earth and a blinking red dot that represented the unknown energy signature. "What am I looking at here?" Imelda asked in her thick German accent. "Exactly what we told you ma'am. We don't know. The only thing we have is this image from one of our satellites," A male OSDP worker said walking over to Imelda and handed her an image of a reptilian themed spaceship. Imelda looked it over. "That's it? No message? No threats? Not even a name?" Imelda asked. The worker nodded. Imelda sighed. "I'm surrounded by idiots," She said handing back the image. "I need results people! Our job is protecting the Earth from possible intergalactic threats! Not letting one fester in our orbit!" Imelda exclaimed exasperated. "Commander Becker. The mayor has gotten wind of the situation. And has made his way here asking to see you," A female OSDP worker said. Imelda said something in German. All I can say is that it's a word of the day to use sparingly.

Imelda made her way to her office where Mayor Eugene Mill was waiting. "Mr. Mayor. I see you're aware of the current situation here at OSDP," Imelda said sitting in her chair at her desk. "Yes and i'm not happy Commander Becker. You're job is to identify and eliminate all possible intergalactic threats that come to Earth. Yet there is a possible intergalactic threat just outside of our orbit possibly prepping weapons to destroy our planet with," Mayor Mill said. "Well Mayor Mill I can't just assume these extraterrestrials are actually here to hurt us and send destroyers up and out of orbit to destroy them without proper analysis of their motives and reasons for being here. They very well could just be tourists here to see if Earth is a good planet for their people or not. Simply attacking them because they're there and haven't contacted us doesn't mean they're automatically bad. And as you know when can only start a link for communications to them if they call us first," Imelda said. Just then the news came on. "Breaking news: Strange reptilian creatures have appeared in the town square. All surrounding people have already fled the area we are waiting for OSDP to arrive and analyze the situation," The news anchor said. "Well it seems we have landing. I'll be right back. I have to mobilize my forces and go out there myself. I don't know why or how but I have a feeling this needs my presence," Imelda said. She got up and put on a jacket with the OSDP logo on it before leaving.

Imelda and the OSDP arrived at Willow Valley town square. Imelda was the first one to approach of course. She had a blaster hidden in her jacket in case these aliens were hostile. "Greetings welcome to Earth. We are the Omega Space Defense Patrol or OSDP. Are you friend or foe?" Imelda said prepping herself to grab her blaster. "My queen what are these strange creatures? They aren't the 'dinosaurs' the king told us about. They're intelligent," A gecko looking female alien said. "I can see that Scalene. Greetings Omega Space Defense Patrol. I can see that our jump still took us a few years too late to get here. I must ask you one question. Where are the dinosaurs on this planet? Wherever they are that is where my husband is. You see I am Queen Rexitha of the Repteidolons and I sent my husband here to find a new planet after ours was destroyed. Now we search for a new home and my husband found this planet with dinosaurs where we can live with creatures like ourselves. So if you could please take us to them we would appreciate it," A t-rex looking alien woman said. "Oh. I see. Well I must apologize but there are no longer any dinosaurs on this planet. We only have their fossils. All the dinosaurs sadly went extinct millions of years ago," Imelda said. The Repteidolon named Scalene gasped and put her 'hands' over her mouth. "We Repteidolons only live for about one hundred and ten years. Which means...." Scalene trailed off. "My husband is dead!" Queen Rexitha finished. "We apologize your majesty but we still welcome you to be part of our society here on Earth," Imelda said. Queen Rexitha screamed in anguish. "Why would I want to live on the planet where my husband died!? This place as nothing for me! Repteidolons! We're leaving!" The Repteidolon queen exclaimed. The Repteidolons teleported back to their ship. "Crisis averted. I guess. Let's head back!" Imelda called to her recruits and they all went back to ODSP headquarters.

On the Repteidolon ship Queen Rexitha was sobbing on her throne with Scalene trying to comfort her. "How could we be millions of years too late to live here? I knew I should've gone with him! But he insisted I don't!" Queen Rexitha sobbed. "There there my queen. I miss the good king too. He was a kind soul," Scalene said. Queen Rexitha kept sobbing over her husband. "But i've been thinking. What if there was a way to bring him back? What I mean is that. What if we use our technology to send the Earth back in time to the age of the dinosaurs and when your husband was still here and capture the current locals of this planet? Then, we'd have the planet to share with the dinosaurs and your husband. And we could send the locals off to another planet just like this one where they can live and we can have this planet for ourselves and the dinosaurs," Scalene said. Queen Rexitha stood up with a gasp. "I just had an idea! What if we use our technology to send this planet back in time to the age of the dinosaurs and capture the locals. Then, send them to another planet just like this one where they can live. Then, we'll live on this planet with the dinosaurs and my husband and no locals!" She said. "Oh what a wonderful idea my queen!" Scalene exclaimed seemingly forgetting that it was her idea.

At the OSDP base Commander Imelda was in the Communications Room monitoring the Repteidolon ship. "Why aren't they leaving? The queen herself said that there was nothing for her here. They should've left by now," Imelda said. Then, a message appeared on the largest screen. A message from Queen Rexitha. "Attention citizens of this planet. If you do not know me I am Queen Rexitha of the Repteidolons. And my husband died on this planet during the age of the creatures you call 'dinosaurs'. So I will do whatever it takes to get him back. So I come to you today with a promise. I will take all of you off of this planet and then send it back in time to the dinosaur age and when my husband was alive. Don't worry you will all be fine. But you'll be sent to a planet far away from yours that will be livable for you. So I bid you all farewell," Queen Rexitha said. "I see. Foe it is," Imelda said. "What do we do Commander Imelda?" A female OSDP worker asked. "Remember that project with those recruits as key members in it?" Imelda asked. The worker nodded. "I give whoever thought of it full permission to go through with it," Imelda said. The worker nodded and took out a small device for audio messages. "Dr. Diaz, Commander Imelda has given you permission for your 'magnum opus'. Operation Jurassic League is a go," The worker said.

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