Merry Christmas!!

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A/N: This chapter has no relation to any current events that are happening within the story. This is meant to be a chapter to celebrate Christmas. Thank you for reading and have a Merry Christmas!








Christmas Eve, Fujimoto Household, 10 Years Ago

  The Fujimoto household had a cheery atmosphere to it, the twins had woken up and were full of energy. Their father had taken a break from work and was spending time with the family. "Mama! Papa!" The twins said in unison as they ran into the kitchen, "Ah! Good morning Yuki, Hensō!" Their mother greeted them as the two came into the kitchen. "What about papa?" Their father said with a smile on his face as his children ran towards him. He crouched down, his children running into his arms, giving the two a hug.

  Escaping the hug, the twins ran up onto the couch, plopping themselves onto the cushions. Their mother laughed a bit when her children ran up onto the couch. "Play with your father while mama makes you two food, okay?" Their mother said, a smile on her face as she put her attention on her cooking. "Okay mama!" Yuki said with a loud voice, a bright smile as she said this.


Metronome Orphanage, 10 Years Ago

  Eliward was visiting Nelivia at the orphanage. She took some time off to spend time with her girlfriend. And when she was in there, multiple kids were in the halls of the orphanage. It was only one day until Christmas, so of course they were excited. "I remember when I used to be this excited." Nelivia said, smiling as she saw the kids playing outside in the snow. Throwing snowballs, making snow angels and snowmen.

  "What would you want for Christmas when you were younger?" Eliward asked, keeping the conversation going. "Well, I would want the newest books written by my favorite authors. And I would want a pet owl, but I would only get the former." Nelivia said with a smile, thinking of her childhood. "Well, what about you?" Nelivia asked with her sweet smile and gentle eyes. "I would ask for those littlest pet shop toy things..." Eliward said, feeling a bit embarrassed to admit what she would want. Their conversation continued on for a while, all until the children were told to get back inside the orphanage.


U-Yung Household, 10 Years Ago

  A three year old Sia was still sound asleep, sleeping on her mothers chest. She was resting on the bed, gently rubbing the back of the three year old's head. A seven year old Jay entered the room, it was lit by a lamp that stood on the bedside desk. "Hello Jay, what are you doing?" His mother asked him, keeping his little sister sound asleep.

  "I wanted to come and see you and Sia." Jay said, going over to the bed, his arms on the bed with his head rested on it. His mother used her free hand to pat Jay's head, giving both of her children attention. Sia let out the quietest and cutest snores as she slept on her mothers chest. Their father was at work, he didn't have time for his family, he always worked, even on holidays. "Are you excited for Christmas tomorrow?" Their mother asked, giving her best happy tone to Jay. "Mhm!" Jay said, a small smile on his face as he said this. His mother's hand gently rubbed his and Sia's heads.


Petiot Household, 10 Years Ago

  The Petiot household was preparing food for Christmas, the family was big, having a total of five children and two adults. Rośe was the second eldest, with her older brother Zhanghao the oldest out of the five. Rośe was mixing some batter for cookies, while the rest of her siblings were working on something else. This was their family's tradition whenever the season of Christmas came around.

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