
79 7 4

Rated T

TW- outing , homophobia, family drama :(
Dw it gets happy though :)

1980's or so au

Words- 2670


Nothing says Christmas like a screaming fit with your family. It's an inevitable part of Crownguard family Christmas.With extended family, especially her aunt, in town, tensions were of course higher than they'd already been.

As it always goes, everyone was talking about politics since most of them were very involved. Which inevitably lead to a whole lot of arguing That's already enough to make Lux want to just disappear anywhere else but there. But of course she sat back and just kept her mouth shut.

Even her brother was in on it, so she was the only one shying away and thinking that maybe some of the things they stood for weren't so great.

It was frustrating, but she loved her family and wanted to spend as much of the holiday as possible with them. Eventually they'd move onto another topic that didn't make her want to implode on the spot.

As everyone moved to the table once dinner was ready, the topic did shift. From anti-abortion to their feelings against gay marriage. Just fantastic.

She didn't get why they couldn't just talk about normal things like friends or how school was going beyond the grades themselves. Everything they chose to bring up felt like it was targeted just to make her more uncomfortable around them.

To make sure she wasn't expected to talk to anyone, she stuffed her mouth. Her aunt Tianna gave her a bit of a look, either because she was eating so fast or because eating so much was 'fattening'. Probably both. She seemed to have a problem with everything she did that wasn't completely perfect.

But it was Christmas, so she wouldn't say a word against it. She just needed to focus on being happy and in the spirit. Grateful that she had such a big, successful, happy family. Bearing through all of there political views wasn't so bad she'd let it make her forget that.

She'd just tune it out and look forward to watching the families favourite Christmas movie later. Die Hard. It was a little violent for her but whatever. It was still better than arguing and politics.

So that's what she did, tune it out and think happy thoughts, until she was stunned out of it with three words that rolled out of her brothers mouth.

"-Lux is gay, and-"

She didn't hear the before, nor what was directly afterwards. All she could do was feel her stomach twist in gruelling ways, while staring at her family wide eyed as they stared at her with their twisted expressions.
Garen didn't stop talking, not seeming to even recognise or care what he just did.

Her ears rang as she continued passing nervously glances around the table, all which were met with glares. The room seemed more and more stuffy and hot with every half second she sat there in complete shock and confusion.

So she abruptly stood, her chair screeching against the wooden floor.

"Excuse me." She quickly turned not wanting to see the looks on their faces any longer than she had to.
Garen seemed to go silent as she calmly left the dining room.

Once out of sight, she picked up her pace as the shock wore off.

Garen was the one person she'd ever spoken to it about, because she thought she could trust him. And now he just dropped the bomb that ruined Christmas for everyone, not just her.

To avoid argument and their very apparent discomfort with gay people, she threw on a pair of boots and a scarf, about as aggressively as someone could. If she wasn't there, no one would have to argue about it. Or at least not that she'd hear. Part of her wanted to apologise and deny it as soon as possible, but she was mad.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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