- Two

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"Michael, I- uh, it's been a while," I finally spoke, looking up at him. He wore his Marine uniform neatly, and I noticed he had changed since the last time I saw him—his face a little more mature.

"It has. It's great to see you, Y/n," I didn't take my eyes off him; I couldn't. I began to feel nervous at our long-lasting gaze before it seemed like a light bulb went off in his head. "Oh, this is Kay. Kay, this is Y/n. She's been a good friend of Connie since I can remember."

I smiled at the woman. She seemed sweet and kind-hearted. I had a feeling that she didn't know much about the family activities. But being with Michael, she didn't need to know that much. Michael wasn't and never wanted to be a part of it all back then.

"Nice to meet you, Kay." I shook her hand and smiled back at her as she did the same.

"Likewise," she replied before letting go. I looked back at Michael, a firm but pleasant expression resting on his face.

"Well, I'll see you around. Connie tells me you did good work in the war but that you're back for good." I spoke, and he nodded his head to confirm my words.

"Yes, back home. So I guess I'll see you around as well; I heard you're not going back to Spain." Michael said, and I copied his previous actions of nodding my head to confirm his words.

"Well, I'll leave you two; Con will probably need something." I spoke after a little bit of silence. I watched as his eyes traveled across my face quickly, and I suddenly got the urge to look away from him, but I restrained.

"Nice meeting you, Y/n." Kay spoke, and I ripped my gaze away from Michael.

"Likewise." I repeated before brushing myself past the couple.

I began to speed walk, it seemed, as soon as I passed them, wanting nothing else but to get back to the celebrations and forget about the deal I had just made with the Don and the encounter I just had to have with Michael and Kay. I saw Connie dancing with Carlo as everyone cheered and moved myself to be near the crowd, cheering the married couple on as well.

Everybody began to dance after taking pictures, so I seated myself at a table and washed down quite a large gulp of champagne, watching them all. I smiled, seeing Connie so happy.

"Dance with me?" I heard Sonny say from behind me, and I peered over my shoulder.

"When you zip up your fly, lover boy. Who was it this time?" I asked dryly as he wacked the back of my head lightly. Sonny stepped out on his wife countless times. I felt bad for Sandra, but she must have known what she signed up for when she married him.

"Alright, done, dance with me. Sandra doesn't feel like getting up, apparently." He put out his hand, and I took it, getting to my feet.

"And nor do any of your other girls?" I replied, and he gave me a warning look. "Alright, alright."

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