Chapter 1

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She stopped right after she heard her name being yelled to turn around and see why she was yelled at. Right as she turned her head, a giant piano crashed right in front of her, not crushing her to death by the mercy of one single inch of gap between her and the now crushed piano. The moving crew should really be careful, yikes!

"Thanks for uhh...yelling out my name?" She smiled, a bit shaken by the fact that she would have literally died if she did not stop by someone yelling out her name. She had dodged death successfully by one little inch, yet again.

"Be more careful of your surroundings, if you don't wish to die", she got advised. She thanked the stranger who knew her name apparently one more time and continued her walk to her home. He was probably a professor who doesn't teach Mackenzie.

She reached home after approximately three minutes after she almost died and entered the house with an exhaustion which was full of exam pressure and the thoughts of relatives being nosy and asking how she does in her college.

Her mother welcomed her home and asked how her day was, she simply said that it was not that bad, as usual, the same answer. Then her little sister who was still in school and in sixth grade, simply gave a dry 'hello'.

"How was school for my little potato?" She asked which made her mother laugh at the nickname she gave her little sister. Neveah's cheeks puffed up like a pufferfish and threw a straight 'Hmph!' at her sister.

"Alright, no need to be a meanie to me, Neveah" she smiled at her sister for which the little potato rushed to her and gave her big sister a nice warm hug. The mother, Mrs Daliah Fernsby, simply looked at the lovely siblings with an 'awe' reaction on her face.

Mackenzie really wanted to tell them about how she literally almost died by a giant piano today, a speeding car yesterday at the traffic lights, and almost consumed eggs through a so called an eggless cake the day before yesterday. Thank goodness she didn't eat the cake, she is deadly alergic to eggs.

She kept these to herself to not make anyone worry, especially her really lovely father. Speaking of the devil, he came home right on time. Right when they all sat on the dinner table, about to start eating. He quickly washed his hands and joined them at the table.

"So, how was today, hon'?" he questioned both of his daughters with a periodic change in his gaze of his both daughters, left and right.

"Not bad, dad" the both said in union while munching on the dinner.

"And what about my lovely wife?" He questioned while stuffing his mouth with food nervously, he definitely felt her death stare when he didn't ask how she had her day.

"Not bad" she replied, almost at the exact same tone as both her daughters.

"Why do I even bother to ask this question every day if I know that the answer is going to be 'Not bad' every single time?" He sighed, finishing his meal while the others seemed to be offended by his question,

"Maybe one day we will actually have a good day—maybe" Mrs Daliah said for which the two daughters replied in union again,

"Which will probably never happen"

"Why is my family full of negative people?" Mr Horace Fernsby questioned sadly which was a silent whisper no one bothered to listen nor did he want anyone to hear.

The family of the Fernsby's has four members, and is a very happy family. They do financially alright, and as a family they are a perfect ten. That is what other people say about them, anyway.

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