11. Something's strange here

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CHAPTER 11 - "Something's strange here"

★・・・・・・★・・・・・・★・・・・・・★・・・・・・★・・・・・・★・・・・・・★・・・・・・★CHAPTER 11 - "Something's strange here"

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The few hours of sleep you got tonight were seriously making your eyes feel heavy not to mention, making you yawn every three minutes. Not even the two coffees you just had made the sleepiness subside.

"You look like a zombie" Sanghoon spoke, chuckling at your state "The test is only next week, Y/N. Stop studying until 4 am and get some proper sleep instead"

You took the last sip of your second coffee of the day and looked at him "I know, but I have so much to study. I want to have a good grade"

"Well, if you keep up this crazy schedule and sleep 3 hours per night, you won't even survive until the test day"

You tilted your head, seeing his point "Okay, I know... but still..."

He shushed you, gently bringing his index finger to your lips.

"No buts. Just sleep more, okay?"

You nodded before looking around the campus. It was a nice day, the sun was shining bright and the atmosphere had a good smell to it, the scent of the campus' flower garden filling the air. The next class was going to be in block D which meant you had to cross to the opposite side of where you two were right now.

The class was going to start in 10 minutes, giving you plenty of time to reach the building. Sanghoon began to show you a bunch of TikTok videos while you two laughed at the silly videos.

"This would totally be you!" Sanghoon laughed while you looked at him with an offended expression.

"I am so not like that! What do you mean?!" You jokingly hit him on the shoulder. He gave you a teasing smile before sticking his tongue out at you, while you frowned at him before letting out a chuckle. You missed these expontaneous and comfortable moments.

Passing through block C, you noticed two people on the corner where blocks B and C connect that have the dustbins where the trash from the canteen is deposited. You don't know why but something about those people picked your interest, they looked tense and serious. Their movements were stiff and one of them was nervously tapping their foot on the ground repeatedly.

"Sanghoon" You called him almost in a whisper "Look at those guys"

He looked at the way you were pointing and saw that one of them was covered in tattoos. But not just any tattoos, weird symbols covered his entire arm and neck. Remembering what his friend told him the other day, he finally recognized the man in front of him. It was that senior guy who was the leader of one of the frat houses.

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