chapter one where am I?

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It started in a dark and damp place where no light has ever shown. A place where demons and monsters slumber, and where a young girl lies asleep on the muddy and cold floor. She wakes cold scared and afraid; the darkness around her begins to stir and and air starts to smell of blood.
She trys to look around, but only see's black. She shakes in fear as something brushes her ankle.
She squikes, "eeek!!, what was that?!?!"
Suddenly a low and dark chuckle echo's around her in the darkness. The teenage girl begins to cry, " WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!!!!" The chuckle only became louder and louder until it stopped and the echo disappeared as well.
The girl then seen a dark red light coming towards her she tired to move,but her fear would not allow her to move she sat their parilized unable to move. Then all the sudden....

~ Hello nice to meet you all I know cliff hanger but I got to go to bed lol or else I'll be writing some pretty dumb crap lol( sorry for any offensive language lol) but more chapters to come I read a lot of watt pad so I won't update this story unless people are interested in it so even if one person likes it or comments for me to update then I will otherwise I'll just be boring and go back to reading lol oh their my be romance in this story I'm not sure yet where this story is gonna go but if I get some fan inspiration I might get some good idea's and create a somewhat goodish story. Well thank you for looking at my weird first chapter love you guys good night.~ <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2015 ⏰

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