Chapter 1

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"Daphne! Daphne you need to wake up you're gonna be late!" Regina screams at me. My head pounds at her screaming. I have had the absolute worst headache for days. I have no idea why, but I just hope it will go away soon.

I ignore her yelling at me because I know she will just yell back, and I really don't want that right now. Instead I get my phone and check my messages. I have a couple from my boyfriend, Liam, asking about my awful headache.

Him: Feeling better yet?

Me: Nope, if it gets any worse my head will explode.

Him: Sorry, wish there was something I could do.

Me: Thanks

Him: I hope you get better. See you soon

I put my phone back on my dresser and get up to get my Buckner uniform. I throw it on my bed with my skirt. I get some shoes and put it all on.

"Have you forgotten about my deadly headache?" I ask my mom referring to when she screamed at me. "Oh yeah sorry," she says handing me a plate with toast. I know she doesn't actually mean sorry.

"I'm gonna have to take this to go today, Simone is picking me up," I tell her putting the plate back up.

"Alright, well, remember I'm gonna be on that business trip I told you about last week. I hope you made plans," she says. Crap. I didn't make any plans. "I totally made plans, I'm gonna stay at, Anna's." Anna doesn't exist.

"OK," she says. It's so easy getting away with things with her. My phone buzzes and I assume it's Simone telling me she's here so I tell my mom bye and head out the door.

+ + +

"So, what are you up to tonight?" Liam asks me. "I'm staying at 'Anna's,'" I say making air quotes. He lets out a small laugh and says, "Well I hope Anna cancels," he says sarcastically.

"Yeah," I say. My vision starts to blur a little. I feel really dizzy so I lean on the locker for support. "You okay?" he asks. "Yeah, I'm just really, really..." That's all I can say before I black out on the floor.


hey guys! sorry that the first chapter sucks and that it's really short, I just needed to get something up. so anyways, I have a lot that's gonna happen in this story, so if it seems boring so far, just wait!

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