Prologue: Edge Of Destiny

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Aziel POV

I stood at the edge of the Celestial Plains, my eyes fixed on the horizon where the sky met the endless expanse of creation. The air around me was filled with a gentle, radiant light, the essence of the realm I called home. As a servant of the Archangel Uriel, I had always felt a profound connection to the divine cosmos, but today, that connection was tinged with a sense of foreboding.

The breaking of five of the Seven Seals had sent a tremor through the heavens, a silent alarm that resonated deep within my soul. I could feel the imbalance, the subtle yet undeniable shift in the celestial order. The tranquility of the plains, with their lush, ethereal gardens and flowing streams of liquid light, seemed overshadowed by an invisible cloud of uncertainty.

I took a moment to gaze upon my surroundings. The Celestial Plains, a realm of unparalleled beauty, stretched endlessly, its landscapes a testament to the glory of creation. But even here, in this sanctuary of peace, I could sense the undercurrent of impending chaos.

As I sat there, I could feel a familiar aura behind me, not Archangel Uriel's, but V'litch's, who serves under Archangel Uriel, like myself, but was the eighth feather, whereas I was the third. V'litch sat down next to me before she spoke, "Aziel, will you be okay? I know Archangel Uriel asked us to patrol the mortal realm, but I feel like you wish to never see it again?" I remembered that I would rather not go to the Mortal's world, but I just looked at her and smiled, "Vlitch, you worry too much. I'll be fine. As the third Feather of Archangel Uriel, I'll be able to defend myself." I looked at the Celestial plain once more before standing up and walking towards Archangel Uriel's Library.

Leaving the Celestial Plains behind, V'litch and I made our way towards the majestic edifice of Archangel Uriel's Library. The towering structure, resplendent with ethereal architecture, stood as a beacon of wisdom and divine guidance. The weight of our upcoming mission to the mortal realm lingered in my thoughts, tempered by the reassurance of my own resolve and the presence of my companion.

As we approached the library, the grand doors opened before us, revealing the sanctum of Archangel Uriel. Inside, the vast chamber was bathed in a soft, celestial light that highlighted the countless ancient tomes and celestial artifacts. The air was alive with a palpable sense of knowledge and history.

There, in the heart of the chamber, stood Archangel Uriel. Her figure radiated an aura of divine power and grace. Her eyes, mirroring the depth and complexity of the universe, focused on us with an unwavering intensity.

Archangel Uriel softly smiled at the both of us, just as she always had, and walked over to us, "Aziel, V'litch, how are you two doing? Have you taken care of yourselves?" I watched Archangel Uriel before getting on one knee and bowing my head, "Archangel Uriel, we are ready to start the mission you gave us." V'litch, realizing what I'm doing, also got on one knee and bowed her head.

Archangel Uriel just walked over to us and grabbed our hands, and pulled us up to stand as she smiled, "Aziel, I've told you, you don't need to be so formal. I've asked you to just call me Uriel." I looked at her for a moment before speaking, "Yes, my apologies, Archang- Uriel."

Archangel Uriel smiled at me before walking back to the table in the middle of the Library and sitting on a seat. "The task is that you must search for the remaining seals and bring them back to the Celestial Plane. God must inspect them and recreate the broken seals to restore balance." V'litch nodded excitedly. I think the humans called it... like a fan? Because V'litch has always looked up to God as if He was what the humans called an Idol. This still confused me.

Uriel's instructions echoed in the grand chamber, her voice a guiding light in our quest. "The Seals are scattered, hidden in realms both known and unknown. Your journey will not be easy, and the path is fraught with peril. But remember, you are not alone. The light of the Celestial Plane will guide you," she said, her gaze full of unwavering faith.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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