Part I | Relapse.

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New York City, the city that never sleeps. A place once so bright and cheerful for Peach, now a place of loneliness and abandonment. She could not believe Beck actually left her alone. After getting hit on the head with a rock too! It was that boyfriend of hers, Joe. Peach hated Joe for what he took from her. He better not show his face ever again, or she didn't know what she was going to do to him.

Peach snapped out of her thoughts and raised her head to look at herself in the mirror. She stared at herself as the thoughts about Beck and Joe filled her head again. She began breathing heavily before shouting and throwing her purse at the mirror and smashing it. Peach then got up and began rampaging through her room before finally collapsing down on her bed again. She pulled at her own hair and screamed at the top of her lungs for a good few seconds before finally sitting up and composing herself. The agitated woman reached over and grabbed her glass of vodka and downed it. She ran her hand through her hair and sighed heavily. What to do with her life now that her Beckalicious has left her.

Peach didn't take too long to decide to go out so she could find someone to do it with, just so she didn't have to be alone for another night. She did what she did best, found an appealing outfit that made her feel good about herself when all eyes were gonna be on her, obviously.

With some of her room cleared up and Peach all dolled up, it was time to hit the city and see who the lucky guy was tonight. She thought about texting Lynn and Anika. That's when she remembered that they had expelled her from their lives thanks to Beck, maybe it was for the best, because Peach hated them. Especially when they got in the way of her and Beck. But that doesn't matter anymore. Beck is gone.

Liliana Westbrook, a distant memory for Peach these days. She was living her best life as a journalist, a young one that was fierce and always honest with the people. She had come a long way from where she was when she was Peach's number one. Always taking care of her, making her food, calming her down in her many episodes. It drained her life essence away until that was all she lived for. But now, Liliana was happy and content with the friends she had. Riley, a barista with a heart of gold that always volunteered to be the sober sister that drove the messy drunks home after a well earned night of getting drunk. Maya, a rich girl that always tries to be humble and lend a helping hand with no strings attached. Then there was Becca, Liliana's best friend ever, while she had her drug issues in the past, she was now clean thanks to the help of the group.

Liliana was currently walking over with a tray of drinks for her besties, setting it down on the table and spreading the drinks around "So girls, I think I should be the one to raise the toast for our one true Becs." She held her glass up "One year clean of drugs, maybe alcohol isn't good either, but at least it's a start." She turned her head to Becca and smiled, holding her drink up for a clink from them "To Becca, we all knew that you'd pull through." The girls clinked glasses and laughed as they kissed around Becca to congratulate her and show how proud they were.

At that moment, Peach opened the door and strutted in, looking around and not noticing her ex obsession in the corner. She strutted up to the bar and placed her bag down, sitting on the stool and clearing her throat to get the bartender's attention. The bartender turned around and got her usual for her, he was familiar with Peach. He even tried to get with her. But she had bigger fish to fry. As she studied the people in the bar that's when she noticed. Liliana. She's here. She's...just as beautiful as Peach remembered.

The woman watched Liliana's every move, fully captivated by her. She began forming a plan in her head to make up a good enough excuse for them to cross paths. So she watched and waited. Seconds turned to minutes turned to hours. All while slugging down more drinks than she could count. Eventually, Liliana got up to go outside for a smoke. Peach picked her bag up and swung it around her arm. She got up and tried to walk as straight as she could out to the front of the bar.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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