Christmas special!!

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Note: This is not related to this story in any way, it is just a scenario I came up with!☆
(Also in a modern AU)
Mui Pov: It's the 4th day of Christmas break. I'm sitting on the couch with some hot chocolate Yui made for me. I feel my phone vibrate and look to see who's calling me.


I answer the call,

"Hey, mui!" I hear him say.

"Hey Genya, what's up?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to join me tonight, there's a Christmas parade happening at 8 pm." He responds

"Yeah I'd like that, is anyone else joining?"

"They all were busy...So it will just be us, its that okay?" he says

"Yeah, it's okay! I'll see you there then,"

"Mhm see you!"

The call ends after that.


After saying goodbye to Yuichiro and getting dressed I started walking to the location Genya shared with me. I look at other houses Christmas decorations outside as I continue walking. Snow covers most of the ground, though it isn't deep

Once I arrive it's nearly dark, I look around and see Genya waiting on a bench for me.

"Hey genya," I say once I walk up to him.

"You're here!" He stands up from the bench "Sorry you had to walk here,"

"No it's okay, I don't mind" I respond while looking up at him.

"Well then, let's go"

We walk through the beautiful, lit-up streets. Different bright colors illuminate the night. We soon find an empty spot around other people as we wait for the parade to start.

Multiple different floats and some bands pass through the streets. We didn't catch much from the floats, but it was still fun.

We walk back close to each other. Eventually, we reach the subway station and board a train.

I smile and lean onto Genya's shoulder while we ride the train.

"I'm glad we could do this, I enjoyed it," I say

His face gets slightly red as he responds, "Me too,"
Sorry, this is so short!!
Also, I know I haven't updated in a while😭, I've had no ideas but I'll try posting more soon.
Merry X-mas!<3

♡Note to my Heart-Genmui♡Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora