passing notes (bombloon!! 🎉)

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    (School au cuz yeah!)

Warning cuz oj and bomb are ex's in this au! It's only brought up twice and now even the plot so IT doesn't really matter but I feel as if you should still be warned!!

(Only reason why I add that was because I needed to add something about he broken alliance,buti couldn't just say "oh we competed in ii!" If it's a high-school au!)

Bomb was a tired boy with black and red streaked hair,he was just tired of alot actually,I mean he didn't have many friends after he and oj broke up, and the only reason he had friends before was because he WAS dating a popular Dude.

Currently,he was walking to school while playing some type of Mobile game he saw online,he was about 2 minutes away from the school at this point and he was already freezing, 'see this is the reason I get sick all time.Because of this shit weather' he thought to him self.

He saw the school billboard up ahead and sighed in relief,he then watched as the smoke came out of his mouth from how cold it is.
That's the thing about his city,it'll get so cold you'll have ice on your finger tips and yet it'll NEVER snow,it was sad really.

He walked onto the side walk and up the school stairs into the building,then checked in at the front desk due to being an hour late,it was really his fault for rushing and forgetting his bag,making it so he had to go All the way back home to get it even thoigh at the time he was 20 minutes into the walk.It was his fault anyways,i mean who forgets a whole backpack?

After checking in at the front office he made his way to his first period class,at this point he just wanted to skip the WHOLE day but he legally couldnt,I mean he had 50 absences this year alone,Don't blame him! He had a REALLY bad immune system,It was alot worse when he was younger though,he had to start taking those vitamin drinks that taist like shit just to keep him self healthy.
See he blamed it on his older brother who would somehow ALWAYS find a way to get him sick (Bomb and tissues are siblings in this au!!)

Bomb tried opening the door to his class just to see it was locked, 'embarrassing...' he once again thought to him self.
He then knocked on the door only to be greeted by the worst woman alive, Salt.. I mean don't get him wrong, He actually thought salt was kinda okay I guess??,But it's what SALT thinks about HIM that's the problem.

She holds this stupid grudge against him for getting with oj before her,which is kinda funny cuz she never had a chance to began with..Oj was kinda yknow..just like his name..?
he was fruity,gay,homosexual, a little fruitloop if you asked him.

Wait we're off track are we not?

"E-e-xcuse me s-salt you-your in t-the way.." He let out,already tired from interaction alone today.
Salt then pulled a bathroom pass out of her pants and.shoved it right in his face,"like actually,your in MY way."
She then made a shoo'ing motion with her hand which bomb didn't responded to at all

"Well?,like what are you waiting for?,move along"
And too that!- yeah no let's be fr he just moved out the way

After Salt "gracefully" walked away from him he made his way into class,put the tardy note on the teachers desk and sat in his seat right next to his OLD best friend,well not really old per say?,more like bomb kinda ditched him for being weird...
I mean!,what was he supposed to do? Sit there and be bossed around by him?,this "old best friend"'s name was balloon by the way,but now that Bomb actually thought about it,balloon HAS been acting strange lately,and not like his usual "oh shut up bomb" type behavior,but more like a depressed teen like behavior...But then again he COULD just be tired of this class?

(Time skip to 4th period cuz I'm lazy like that 🔥🔥)

Balloon was sitting alone in the back of the clas carelessly tapping his pen onto the dest quietly,well until bomb showed up of course,I mean,it's not like he wanted to annoy bomb of all people. That's because bomb was balloons best friend he's ever met,and when he says that it's because bomb IS balloons best friends it just doesn't go both ways now,
Balloon wondered what bomb was thinking,Bomb always choose to sit next to him which is what's on Balloons mind.

It's not like he can't change seats,they never had seating charts this year,meaning bomb could gladly move on his own
But he didn't? He was so confused at that point,but then again maybe bomb didn't know they could switch seats?

Maybe balloon could tell him?
Nahh he would know if he could move!,bombs not dumb?

'Ehh might as well tell em!' Balloon thought to himself
But he couldn't just say the middle of class?

'OH i could write a note!'

Balloon quickly stared jotting down what he wanted to say

(Bomb is italic while balloon is this!)

Hey bomb?


Yknow if you dont like me you dont hath to sit near me?

I'm not dumb,I know that and you know that as well.

Sorry :(

Learn how to spell have first before apologizing


balloon looked to his side to see bomb smirking while writing down his response

Actually! It's spelt eraser!!

Balloon snickered at that part, 'ok that way KINDA funny' he lyed to himself,I mean let's be for real,that was super smart of bomb to say,he had to give him credit for that at least..!

Ok ok fine! You win mr king spelling bee!
I'm sooo sorry my king..

Really?,king? What do I look like to you? Silver spoon?

Now they were both giggling at each overs silly notes,they had already filled up 4 papers front AND back of just silly back talking to each over like little kids.


Shit they BOTH forgot they were still in class..

"If your going to write it down to each over you guys might as well show the whole class should we not?"

The ELA teacher, mr,ballpoint just stared at them as both balloon and bomb kepted staring back at eachover and then back and Mr,ballpoint .

"Oh uhh sorry?" Balloon said quietly while slowly pushing back into his seat as if he were a stuffed animal slowly getting squashed.

"A single more distraction and I'm not joking when I say I WILL read those out to the class"
"Ok.." they both said in unison.

Once ballpoint pen finally turned around to the board again the two boys glanced at each other a started to silently giggle together.

Bomb then whispered to balloon as low as possible so ballpoint WOULDNT hear,

"Jinx y-you owe m-me a soda. >:)"


Maybe balloon was wrong,maybe when he said bomb was his best friend it DID go both ways?.

What ever it was,balloon couldn't help but feel super warm..

So warm infact he didn't even care about how many sodas he could owe him,as long as he stays in his life this time.

And who knows? Maybe bomb felt the same way?


I didnt proof read so sorry!!!

Ok this is first off!! The longest thing I EVER written,not just that.. but also the funnest thing I've ever MADE I really do like this!
And I think I improved alot!! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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