A Game of Chess

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So I looked up how tall Ciel is and wikipedia told me, in the 'Out of Universe' section, that he was 5'2" in Kuroshitsuji 2. He's an inch taller than me! Should I be happy or sad?

(F/n) —> first name
(L/n) —> last name

~_~_Reader's P.O.V (First Person)_~_~

I awake with a gasp. Sitting up, I can see I'm not at home. I wasn't very concerned about it at the moment, but the dream I had remained fresh in my mind. Wasn't it all a dream, just something my brain created while I was sleeping? It couldn't be real, could it?

My stomach decided it couldn't handle the truth that I knew in my heart to be true. I leaned to the right, instantly finding a trashcan at the bedside. It was almost like whoever owned this house knew I that my stomach was going to be upset when I woke up.

Presently after my little episode, there was a knock on the door.

"My Lady, are you finally awake? You've been sleeping for five days. Are you okay? May I enter?"

"Yes, you may."

A man with black, raven hair slowly enters the room and closes the door behind him. His eyes glinted red as he inspected my current condition.

My hair was probably a mess and my breath was certainly not the greatest. Suddenly, I felt severely self conscious. This man was most likely the black blob that had saved me from falling. And here I was in the most unpresentable of states.

"Lady (L/n), I though you should know that my Lord had me examine your body for any wounds. There was a lot of blood on you, but none of it seemed to be yours."

"You did what?!"

I quickly ripped off the covers and slid off the bed. I don't know what I was planning to do, but the next thing I knew, my legs gave out and suddenly I was in this man's arms.

"Don't worry my Lady. As a butler, it is my duty to follow my master's orders. I promise that I did nothing to you, but check for wounds and dress you in new, unbloodied clothes."

Somehow his words relieved me of my worries, but most of all his embrace comforted me. For the first time since the incident, I felt happy to have contact with another person. In fact, I craved it. My body moved on its own as I wrapped my arms around him into a hug and replied with a simple thanks, nuzzling my face into his chest.

The more I held onto him, the more I felt energized and awake. In that moment, his eyes widened as, at the speed of light, I was slammed against the wall with a hand on my throat and a butter knife to my neck, his red eyes glaring at me through wisps of his black hair.

"Who are you and why reveal yourself now? I mean, did you really believe that I would let anything like you get anywhere near Ciel?"

"What do mean by 'reveal myself'? I don't understand. And who is Ciel?"

"Do you really not know?"

"No, I don't! You're hurting me and I'm scared! Please don't kill me!"

With that plea, he loosened his grip, but did not disarm the knife.

"Since you don't know, I might as well tell you before someone worse does. I sense something supernatural from you, something demonic, perhaps. You're not full, like me, but you're not human either. What you did just now, you were stealing energy from me. I'd think it's safe to say that you don't require souls to live, but absorbing energy from physical touch."

"So what do I do now?"

"What you will do is get ready for a meeting with Ciel, Earl of Phantomhive, my master. And you will not bring any harm to him or anyone else lest you will meet an early demise. What I will do is draw up a nice hot bath for you to enjoy."

With that, he disarms the knife and completely releases me from his grip. I fall to the ground, a coughing, sputtering mess of tears.

If he had wanted to, he could have killed me right here and now. He could have killed me in my sleep for all I knew. I could have died so many times in the past week, but the thought still lingered that I was half demon. If he had tried to kill me, would I have even died or would I have felt the excruciating pain and lived?

All these thoughts consumed me so much that I didn't even notice him pick me back up, one arm in the crook of my legs and the other supporting my back.

"Looks like you have a lot to think about."

"Yeah," I simply replied, too dazed to worry about where he was taking me.

"You're doing it again."

"Doing what?"

"Stealing energy."

"Oh, sorry!"

"*sigh* If the young master accepts you into the household, I'm going to have to train you to control yourself."

His response is left with silence as I have calmed down enough to realize where we are. It's the bathroom where a tub full of warm water and bubbles awaits me. He gently lets me down until my feet are able to touch the ground.

Steam rises from the tub, forming a misty haze above it. The surface of the water is covered in a thick layer of bubbles and a whiff of a mild flowery scent rises to my nose. It was so comforting that I could've honestly just stood there forever.

"Would you like me to undress and bathe you?"

"No! No thanks, no! Just get out...please!"

I could feel my face heating up at such a question. How could a man—scratch that—demon that looks like a man ever suggest something as intimate as that and to a stranger no less?

I guess he could have taken my hesitation as a sign that I needed assistance. Still, there were far better ways he could have worded it.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure! Now get out!"

At this point I'm physically pushing him towards the door even though I know it's not necessary. He is a mysterious earl's butler/servant for a reason, if he didn't follow orders then he would have been booted already.

Pausing mid-step, I realize something kinda weird. How did he know?

"Hey, before you go, I would like to know how you knew my name?"

"That, my Lady, is a secret."

He formed a smirk, held his pointer finger to his lips, and winked at me. With that, he left me to my bath.

Author's Note
Hey guys, it's been awhile. This chapter does not mean that I will be posting regular updates.

I should also change the title of this chapter because I messed with the story line a bit, but I don't know what I would call it yet.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2019 ⏰

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