Chapter 1 | "My Raven"

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  "Hey boss. Joe's here with his family" Josh, my second in command says over the phone.

I hung up and went to meet Joe. I'm meant to marry his daughter in 4 months, and I would literally do anything to not marry her. She's a gold digging, stuck-up snobby bitch. And a blonde. I fucking hate blondes. Walking into the room, I'm met with the most intoxicatingly beautiful eyes I have ever met. They're like ice, but a hint of darkness is slowly coming through. Looking up, she's beautiful. So fierce, yet so timid. Her hair is jet black and shiny, like a Raven. There's a scar on her neck hidden under her hair. Who hurt my Raven?

  "Cassius, as you know you will marrying my sweet baby Isobel in a mere 4 months. We need to know who's paying for things. My precious deserves the world!" Joe says snapping me out of my trance.

"You expect me to pay for the entire marriage? I never wanted this shit in the first place. I'm doing this because of the deal we made. If she deserves the world, you can give it to her." I reply, looking back at my Raven.

"Who's this?" I ask Joe, pointing my head towards my Raven. I need to know her name.

   "Oh her? Don't worry about her. She's just our niece we've had to look after since her parents died 13 years ago. Scum, if you ask me. Her parents were shitty low lifes." He laughs.

  "My parents were not low life's. If anything, they were better than your fat ass ever has been!" My Raven says lowly, staring at Joe. I knew there was darkness in her. It just had to be brought out.

Just the sound of her voice has my stomach doing things it's never done before.

"Her name Joe. I'm not going to ask again" I say coldly.

Who the fuck does he think he is? I don't care if he made some deal with my father 15 years ago, he isn't going to sit here and disrespect someone in my house.

   "Lorelai. Her parents died in a car accident. Nothing special" Isobel speaks up

"Lorelai. What's your last name" Lorelai, my raven has a name. A beautiful one at that.

  "Miller, why?" she says looking at me.

Miller? No. That can't be possible. Everything I've read said she died with her parents. How is this possible?

"No reason. Joe, we'll need to move the wedding up. We'll get married in 2 months. No more, no less." I finish before walking back into my office and slamming the door.

I fucking found her. My raven is the girl I have been looking for, for years. She's back.

  "Cassius?" I hear her voice on the other side of the door, she knocked lightly.

"Come in" I tell her, looking towards the door.

She walks in, staring at the ground. She refuses to even look around, like she was trained to keep her head down. She won't do that with me.

  "You left these papers downstairs. They're the marriage contracts" She says, giving me the papers, refusing to look up.

"Thank you Lorelai. You don't have to look at the ground when talking to me." I tell her, taking the papers from her and walking closer to her

She nods, she fucking nods.

"Non vedo l'ora di farti mio, mio corvo" I tell her in Italian

(I can't wait to make you mine, my raven)

She perks her head up and I'm met with those same blue eyes.

  "I should get going. My uncle is waiting for me." She says leaving my office.


It's 1 am and I've been doing paperwork since she left. I need to know how she's alive. The reports say she died in the car with her parents, but her body was never found. How did she end up with them?

"Boss, you've been up for hours. You need sleep, there's the meeting at 8 with the Russian Mafia. You need to be focused" Josh says before walking out.


The meeting was shit. Blood was shed, and the Russian Mafia is no more, non existent. Ivan owed too much and refused to pay. That's what happens when you disrespect Cassius Romano. You're entire life gets wiped from this earth, no traces.

I have to meet with Isobel. She needs some shit for wedding, I didn't care to ask. The less I have to talk to her, the fucking better.

Pulling up to the house, Isobel is waiting for me. What the fuck? She's acting like we've been married for 10 years. As soon as I get out of the car she runs to me.

   "I missed you so much baby! I can't wait for the wedding!" She says too fucking cheerful.

I shrug her off and walk in the house. The sooner I leave, the better.

"What did you want to talk about? I have things to do" I ask her, looking at my phone.

    "I need money for the dress and shoes. My parents are paying for the decor, so you can pay for the dress and shoes" She says staring up at me batting her fake lashes.

"Here. This is all you get." I say giving her 20 grand

   "Thank you so much baby! Should I get lingerie for our honeymoon? I'm going to look sexy for you!" She squeals

"No. We're never having sex. You're going to be my wife on paper, nothing else." I say looking up at her.

Where the fuck is my raven and why is it so quiet in this house. I would've expected them to be here given they seem so adamant their baby deserves the whole world.

Now that I know my raven is back, I won't lose her again, I can't. I spent years trying to find her, only for her to be so close to me.

Why doesn't she remember anything? There was no sign of recognition, anything. I need to know how long she's been with them. Did they do anything to her? The last fucking thing I need right now is more bloodshed, but if it comes to protecting my raven, I don't care whose life is took.

    "Cassius? Why would you say that! You're supposed to love me. You're not even paying attention to me! Why?" Isobel yells

"I don't need to love you in order to marry you. I will never love you. You're just a deal, nothing else" I tell her looking back up the stairs. I can hear her gasp in shock

"Isobel" I say looking at her. She looks up with tears streaming down her face

"Where's Lorelai?" I ask. Where's my raven?

- - - - -

He's already possessive over her. don't we just love it.

How do you guys like the nickname? I think 'Raven' is cute.

Anyways, how'd you enjoy the first chapter? Please let me know in the comments! Don't Forget to vote!

Merry Christmas! I hope you guys enjoyed your day!!!


K.C. Walker

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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