Flower Hill.

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You were out for a few hours. Doflamingo stayed by your side. He'd either be holding you at times or he'd be at his desk doing work. He always stayed close by you as you slept.

Your eyes slowly fluttered open and you looked over at Doflamingo. He was just staring intensely at you. You sat up, but everything hurt when you did. "Ow! God damn it.." You said and then flopped back down on the bed and curled up.

Doflamingo laughed like that was the funniest thing he's ever seen. He then came over to help you up. "Yeah, that's right! Come and help the girl you dragged into your bedroom last night!" You thought in your head.

You then realized some time when you were asleep Doflamingo put you in a silky night gown. It was so soft! He scooped you up and then carried you over to his desk. He sat down and then placed you on his lap. You huffed, mad at him that he wasn't gentle.

"Sorry Y/N...I was just having fun last night." Doflamingo said with a giggle. He ran his fingers through your hair and held you close to him as he did his paperwork.

"Fun to you, is me being sore!" You snapped. He laughed.

"True. True, but still... I am sorry, My precious Y/N.." He said and then kissed you on the lips. You shut up and then kissed him back. He pulled away a few seconds later.

You looked at him and blushed a bit. "Whatever!" You said and turned away. He leaned down to your ear, his hot breath hitting it.

"Embrasssed Y/N?~" He said with a cheeky grin. He then gave your ear a little lick. You jumped at the feeling. "I see you are not used to this...Did 'that thing' not treat you right in bed?~" Doflamingo asked kissing your jawline.

You blushed more at everything he was doing. You had to admit. Your ex-husband never really did everything that Doffy did last night, and it all made sense after you saw him cheating. You looked up at him and sighed.

"Yeah...He didn't really do much of this.." You said quietly. You still found it funny how he called your ex-husband 'that thing.'

Doflamingo kissed your hair. He was really protective of you now. "What a pathetic excuse for a man." Doflamingo said and then rubbed your thigh.

He was very affionante with you after all that happened. You could tell that he wasn't going to let you go away from him for a long time. Doflamingo leaned his head against yours and let out a content sigh. He took a deep breath in and then looked at you. You felt bad for him. All this time he liked you and were with someone else.

It pained you to think how upset he got the night you told him about your ex-husband. Doflamingo was a man who got what he wanted when he wanted it, so not being able to have you probably made him mad.

You then decided that this was your life now. "Yeah. You know what...He was." You said with a small smile.

Doflamingos eyes lit up and he smiled when he realized you preferred him over the man you used to be married to. "Really? That's good. I'm glad you agree." Doflamingo said and held you closer. He liked you being on his lap.

The more he cuddled you the more he seemed like he was just a big cat to you. You wrapped an arm around his arm that was around you. He seemed even more excited when you did that. It seemed like he really did love you, but something was still bothering you. Something he said to you when he saw you down by the store.

"Doffy...Why did you say 'I didn't think anyone would like you?'.." You said with a curious look.

He froze. "Oh...That...Well... I was just trying to get you to second guess yourself, so...so I could get you to dump your husband and come with me... I was trying to make you think he didn't love you so you'd come back to me..." He said with an embarrassed look.

You sighed. "I knew you were trying to get me to second guess myself..." You said quietly. "You just wanted me to yourself, Huh?" You asked with a smile.

He looked down at you and smiled. "This is why I love you Y/N...Oh, how I love you.." He said and then gave you a kiss on the nose.

You smiled and then kissed him on the cheek. He looked like he was going to melt right there. It was funny to see someone that was known for being ruthless and cruel, melting because he got a kiss from his crush.

He looked out the window and his face was covered in blush. "Do..Do you want to go out on a little date?.." He asked quietly.

Your face lit up and you laughed. "Sure. Where do you want to go?" You asked softly to him. He looked back at you.

"That's the thing...I don't know where to take you.." He said and then sighed.

You smiled softly. "How about we just go to a restaurant, or... flower hill maybe?" You asked with a smile.

His eyes lit up at Flower Hill. He smiled. "That sounds like the best place to have a date a catch up with what each other have been doing after all this time.." Doflamingo said softly.

"Then let's go there. I haven't gotten to talk to you in so long...It will be refreshing." You said and then he stood up with you in his arms.

"Now let's get dressed. I already have a dress picked out for you." He said in a tone that made you think this was going to be a very revealing dress. You were right. The dress was a pretty light blue, but the dress was a low cut, the back from the waist up was gone, and the dress was short by itself but it had a small slit up the thigh.

You looked at him like he was out of his mind. "We're just going to see the flowers! No need for something this revealing!" You snapped at him. He stuck his tongue out at you again. You gasped.

"I like it so wear it." He said simply. You huffed and then got changed into it. You came out and his eyes roamed over you. You sighed. You put on shoes.

"Come on let's go.." You said and then dragged him out by his arm. He laughed like a madman. His crew was shocked to see him being dragged like that by you. It was like how you used to drag him before.


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