New Year Short Story

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He came up to me, "Hey. Can I ask you a question?"

My mind numbed at how hot he was. "Yeah. Sure."

"How old are you?" Wait. What?

"I'm thirteen. How old are you?" I asked. 

My heart broke before he replied, "I'm eleven." 

I couldn't think properly, "So you're in seventh grade?"

"No, I'm in sixth." He informed, "You're in eighth?"

"Yeah." Hot tears pricked my eyes. I was in love with a guy two years younger than me? 

How did I even get in this mess? Why was I in this mess? 

It all started with Luke. My first crush. The one I was convinced was my soulmate. Don't judge me! Everyone has a phase in which they think their crush is just right for each other. He is not the guy two years younger to me. 

He fancied my best friend. Delilah. Delilah like him too. They got together. My heart broke. I decided it was time to move on. 

So I searched for a guy for me. Tall, hot, sporty. That's when I saw Aiden. The sixth grader.

Tall. Check.

Hot. Check. 

Sporty. Check. 

Every day with him, I dug myself into a deeper hole. I was falling for him, and I knew it was wrong, but I couldn't help it. I was over the moon when I got his number. 

Everyday, we would challenge each other at a sport, or just a stupid thing and compete to see who wins. Most days, I would. Somedays, he would. 

Aiden and I were playing tennis one day, and he hit the ball way too far. Tennis balls are expensive, or at least that one was, and it wasn't even ours. 

So we took to the streets, looking for it and couldn't find it. We took a long walk, trying to find the ball and that day the moon was full and red. 

"Look at the moon!" Aiden yelled. 

"Wow! It's pretty." I said.

I mean, if it wasn't for the lost ball, I would have considered this very romantic. Or if he didn't think of me in a sisterly way. 

We found the ball, and went back to the tennis court and continued playing. WHY DID I FEEL LIKE THIS?!

Three days later, it was New Year's Eve and there was a party at the ground and of course, Aiden was there. He had come with his friends and greeted me. 

I had just gone to drink water, at the water fountain, when the countdown began. I stood there away from my family and Aiden came towards me. 



"Hi." He said.


"Hey." I replied.


"Is it-" He started.


"-fine if I-" He continued. 


"have you-" He stammered. 


"I mean-" He looked away. 


"for the-" He regained his confidence.


"new year?" He finished. 


"HAPPY NEW YEAR!!" was what I heard when his lips crashed onto mine. 

Normally, this would have felt wrong to me. But I had never wanted something so much before. So, I kissed him back. 


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