Conversion (8)

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Turning to address his fellow agents, Kagaro continued, "Agent 43 - Yone Ken, Agent 52 - Shimin Jaienta, and Agent 67 - Jenna Ornard. I command you to engage in battle against the type A Jenemes before us."

With Jenna standing beside him, Kagaro's words hung in the air, setting the stage for a confrontation with the formidable adversaries.



Shimin's gaze flicked briefly toward Jenna before she planted herself firmly on the breaking rooftop of the under-construction building. With resolve in her heart, she summoned her loyal companion, Moichi. As all the stars stood beside their owners, Kagaro signaled their involvement with a swift gesture of his hand, marking the beginning of their coordinated attack.

Despite their embarrassment and shame, Hibiki and Satar followed every command of their respective owners, their previous conflict momentarily forgotten in the face of the greater threat before them.

With determination etched on their faces, the agents and their stars prepared for what was to be held before them.


"You told me you don't remember the name of your star? But you called it Hibiki right? Isn't that the name?" Shimin had asked Jenna before the star training had begun.

"Yeah. I don't know his name. Hibiki is the name given to him. In the star world there is no star called Hibiki and he hasn't mentioned his real name even to me yet..."


Hibiki soared through the sky, swiftly reaching Jenna and whisking her away from the danger of the collapsing building. Meanwhile, another explosion rocked the area, sending unguarded agents flying through the air.

As the dust settled, the invaders remained aloft in the sky, their sinister smiles casting an eerie aura over the scene. Kagaro's voice cut through the tension, his words laced with determination and resolve. "If you are an A type Jeneme, I'm sure you are very strong. But you definitely can't win against spirits."

"I am Liza," one of them began in a feminine voice, her words sending shivers down Kagaro's spine. The ability of these Jenemes to speak in human voices was unsettling, especially considering their monstrous forms. "And these are Yuzu and Hito."

As Liza spoke, Kagaro couldn't help but feel a sense of dread creeping over him. Jenemes typically lost their ability to act rationally in their monstrous forms, yet here stood three who seemed fully in control of their faculties. It was a clear indication of the danger they posed.

Liza raised herself higher into the sky, her cloak billowing behind her, revealing black boots beneath. Shimin's gaze shifted to the flying gear around Liza's waist, a device she recognized with a sinking feeling.

With a simple gesture of her hand, Liza exerted an immense pressure, sending Hibiki hurtling away, crashing into the forest beyond. Jenna watched in horror as Kagaro fell to the ground nearby, his body limp and unmoving.

The sight of her comrades incapacitated filled Jenna with a surge of fear and determination. With trembling hands, she reached out to her own star.

Yuzu's ability to manipulate the air left Shimin gasping for breath, her throat constricted as if squeezed in a vise. Desperately, she clawed at her neck, struggling to draw in even a single breath.

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