:・゚✧:・.☽˚。・゚✧:・.:CHAPTER 1:・゚✧:・.☽˚。・゚✧:・.:

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Sun ray had always wondered what it would be like to be down on the over world or depths. What would it look like? What creatchers would be there? What do Starwings look like? Sure she got some answers to her questions from scrolls but they are very outdated and have little information on places and species other than her own as she stared down at the clouds below her.

Sun Ray got snapped out of her train of thoughts when her mother's tail lashed behind her and placed a clawed paw on Sun Ray's furry shoulder. "You know you can't go down there," she said. Sun ray sighed and looked at her mother. " You have important jobs to do around her you know... if you leave we will all miss you" Moro bellowed. "I know I know. I'm just ... curious" sun ray huffed. "MORO" another Daywing called. "Sorry Sunny... I have to go". With all 6 of her wings beating she gracefully flew away. Sun Ray looked back down at the clouds below her. I am going to explore the whole world. Sun ray thought as she flew away all 6 of her graceful wings flying swiftly to the top of Moro's cave to watch the sunset. I wonder what Starwings look like... Sun Ray wondered maybe they look like sunsets or sun rises she wonders. Stars began to litter the sky as beautiful oranges, pinks, purples, and yellows faded into a dark blue. Sun Ray stretched her wings and tail fin as she flew down to fly through the clouds as she relaxed her wings and she closed her tail fin. She dropped down below the highest clouds but it was still too high to see the overworld. All she could see were thin wispy stratus clouds. She smoothly and swiftly turned her body left and slightly closed her tail fin as she flew high above the thin cirrostratus and thick cumulonimbus clouds until she reached the kingdom of the sky and flew into her cave stretching her body before curling up and falling asleep.

Sun Ray was woken up at the crack of dawn and trotted over out of her cave to catch herself a Chevail (a Chevail is a 4 eyed giant black horse and a perfect breakfast for dragons) Sun Ray looked around for awhile getting more hungry by the minute before she finally found herself her desired prey and silently flew above it wile keeping a good distance. She slowly and silently followed it before swiftly diving down to catch it in her clawed paws.

After eating, Sun Ray looked down over the sky island to the clouds below. Soon not now but soon I'm going down there and answering my questions. She thought to herself. She suddenly took off flying to Alto's cave. Alto is Sun Ray's best friend because he is one of the only dragons around her age and Moro and his mom are friends. Sun Ray spread out all 6 of her wings and landed on her front paws before calling Alto out of his cave. "ALTO" Sun Ray softly roared, there was no response. hmm i guess he's out eating breakfast then she thought. Sun Ray wagged her tail then flew over the and gracefully caught a crow out of the air and put it outside Alto's cave.

Sun Ray flew over to her mothers cave, her wings and tail fin changing positions every couple seconds. She slowed down and landed outside her mother's cave island. She went inside as she saw her mother studying scrolls. "Mother?" Sun Ray tried to get her mom's attention. "Yes, sunny?" Moro said. "Why do the Darkwings hate us? We never did anything" Sun Ray asked. "Well.. the thing is, 235 years ago they wanted to rule the overworld as well as the depths. The Starwings as well as the Daywings said "No, it belongs to our planet, we just live here." The darkwings got angry and their strongest warrior, Moon Gaze flew high to the kingdom of the sky and the strong sun burned his rough scales so he had to go to the shade of the trees and stay there until night. When night came he used his poisonous fire and burned everything down even killing a few dragons. The next day the Daywing warriors were furious and dived down to the depths to talk but it was too hot so they had to retreat back up to the sky kingdom. But a starwing flew up to our kingdom and told us the darkwings attacked them and they needed help. We told them the same happened to us and the Starwings went down to the depths leaving a stone with a note saying "if you attack the Starwings and Daywings again we will team up to fight you." The Darkwing God saw this and killed two starwings and one Daywing. The Daywings and starwings went to the depths in winter, and Daywings used their powerful light blast on the darkwings, killing two in the starwings, using their plasma blast and using their claws and sharp teeth to kill another 3 darkwings. The Starwings and Daywings flew back up to their kingdoms and the Darkwings, Starwings, and Daywings have had conflict for over 200 years." her mother finished. "Wow..." Sun Ray said. Tomorrow night I'm sneaking off to find the starwings. She thought.

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