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Lorelai Evangeline Marlowe was exhausted. All she has known since the young age of 8 was death and carnage.

Being one of the only survivors of the Ghostface massacre of 2011 was not the ideal situation for the Marlowe girl. What made the situation worse is that it was brought upon by the people she trusted most in the world, the two people that she idolized.

Charlie Walker and Jill Roberts. Her cousin and her babysitter, the 8 year olds best friends. The people she thought would never hurt her were the ones to completely destroy Lorelai.

Charlie Walker was more of an older brother than a cousin to the 8 year old girl. He helped her with her homework when her mother was working late nights and she was having a hard time with math, he was the one who cleaned her knee when she scraped it falling from his skateboard, and he was the one to get her into horror at the ripe age of 6.

Jill Roberts, more commonly known as "Jillie" to the Marlowe girl. She was the one who helped her with her crush on her longtime best friend Tara Carpenter. Jill, along with Kirby and Olivia were the closest the young girl had to older sisters, being a only child herself. Jill and Kirby were Rory's babysitters with the occasional times Olivia accompanied the girls.

Of course she was friends with Samantha Carpenter, her best friend Tara's older sister, but it wasn't the same bond with the older girls. Speaking of the older girls, Kirby and Olivia, known as "Via" and "Kirbs" to the 8 year old. Olivia was the one to teach her about fashion and style. Kirby was the one along with Charlie to introduce her to horror and everything involved.


She didn't believe it at first. When Rory visited Jill at the hospital, she was relived she wasn't dead. She felt a little better knowing that one person that she loved hadn't died on her. Her cousin, her aunt, Olivia, Kirby, her mother.

Her mother met her demise at the hands of the unknown Ghostface, not knowing it was the girl laying in the hospital bed just across from herself. When she finally realized that it was in fact Jill Roberts who had been playing the other Ghostface tricking her the entire time, she broke. She realized that she had no home to go to, since her entire family had died in a mere three days.

The girl was taken in by none other than the heroic town sheriff, Dewey Riley. Having his own sister taken from him in the first round of Ghostface killings in 1996, he sympathized with the Marlowe girl and took her as his own, already seeing her as a daughter since she was a toddler.

Ever since that day, she never let anyone get close to her. Of course she had her friend group, but no one ever truly knows what she was thinking or feeling. She built her walls and had never let them falter, not for a moment.

That was until Lorelai and her friends move away from the horrid town known
as Woodsboro, leaving behind the tragedy and death that cling to their souls.

Leaving behind everything she has ever known, leaving behind the memory of her surrogate father, the memory of her best friend, the memory of her boyfriend, everything that plague her mind with the horrors of the betrayal she endured at such a young age.

Moving to New York City and having a fresh start was something that flicked a switch in the Marlowe woman's brain. Before, she always had her guard up, constantly looking over her shoulder. Her father teaching her self-defense since the moment she turned 10 years old. She knew how to take care of herself in any given situation.

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