Part 6

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Part 6: The Battle Lines Are Drawn

Bucky's decision was clear: he would stand by Steve, even if it meant going against the government and the Avengers. As the two friends prepared to face the consequences, you couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

The once-united team was now divided, with some siding with Steve and others supporting the government's stance. The air was thick with tension as the two factions faced off, the very fabric of the Avengers threatened to tear apart.

You watched in horror as friendships were tested, allegiances were broken, and the battle lines were drawn. The sound of clashing metal and the smell of gunfire filled the air, the chaos and destruction a stark reminder of the consequences of their choices.

In the midst of the chaos, Bucky's eyes locked onto yours, a mixture of determination and fear reflected in his gaze. You knew that he was fighting not just for his beliefs, but for the future of the Avengers and the world.

As the dust settled and the battle subsided, the outcome was far from certain. But one thing was clear: the Avengers would never be the same again. The once-unbreakable bond had been shattered, leaving a trail of broken trust and shattered dreams in its wake.

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