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"Look at you so miserable like this, even death didn't accept you"


In the dark and gloomy hallway, the wary and spine-chilling silence filled the entire building. Loud steps were heard as a person stepped out of the dark, the moon's light reflecting the sharp object they had in their hand, possibly for a terrifying purpose.

Bending down infront of that specific person, they raised their hand slamming the knife onto the said person's chest. Raising their hand upwards again, they slammed it again and again as if having a deep abhorrence and disgust for that person.

Tears streaming down her face, Nari stood up and slammed the knife one last time onto his chest.

With every stab, she whispered her hatred towards him.

" I hate you"
"I hate you"
"I hate you"


Nari screamed, as she let the knife stay in his chest. More blood ran down the blade of the knife. Looking at his lifeless body, she stood up. Her voice was hoarse from screaming.

Memories replaying in her head.

What had she done?

Laughter erupted as Nari abruptly turned her head towards the source of noise, only to see him, recording her evil and wicked acts.

Looking down in confusion, Nari saw the one she killed was no longer there, just blood of her own.

Looking back at him Nari lost control of herself as she started yelling in confusion, "You- YOU DIED!!"

Nari held her head as she didn't know what was happening. Falling onto the ground, "You died! You died! You died! You died! What are you doing here!!?"

Nari was going crazy.

He came forward bending down infront of her. The feeble light of the moon struggled through one small, dirty window, failing to conquer the pitch black of the room.

Holding the knife from her hand he brought it down to her throat. Deepening the blade as blood started to prickle down.

"You know I'll always be in control." He stared at her, before getting up to leave.

In a pool of blood of her own, Nari stayed there. Tears streaming down her face falling down mixing with the blood on the ground. In pure silence, she let out a scream of agony


Nari's eyes shot open as she noticed her surroundings. Everyone was still lying on the floor stirring in their sleep. Some started to wake up. Looking at her hands to see anything unusual, nari let out a sigh of relief.

The students slowly started to wake up, rubbing their eyes as memories of the previous night flashed back. A flash of dread falling upon everyone as they realized that what happened previously wasn't actually a dream. Some started to silently cry.

Nari stood up going towards the window that had been broken, looking down she saw Heo-yool on the floor with a pool of blood around him and pieces of glass.

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