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It was a normal Monday as Nari was sitting on her seat waiting for the bell to ring. She decided to take a headstart and prepare herself for the upcoming test that was due next week.

Taking the book out of her bag she opened it, turning each page gently. Taking out her pencil she started taking notes.

She was alone in the class, the bell still hadn't ring. She kept wondering where Eun-ha could have been but she just shrugged it off because she was always late anyways.

Lost in her own thoughts, she was busy in her work when she heard the door open. Looking up, she saw him. For a moment she got nervous because Nari did have a crush on him for a while but Nari wanted to get rid of those feelings because she felt it was just one sided. Thinking he's just here because class is going to start, Nari continued doing her work.

Her pencil moving against the thin paper soon came to a halt when she noticed a figure standing in front of her. Averting her gaze to the figure she noticed it was just him.

"What is it?" She asked, accepting something she had been hoping for.

"Will you go out with me?" He asked.

This question surprised Nari. It's not that Nari didn't want this. Infact she did. She had been dreaming about this for quite a while. But the way he was so straightforward about this confused Nari. As if he had something else in mind. However Nari knew how much overthinking she did.

"What?" She asked after what felt like eternity.

He leaned forward, "I said, will you go out with me." He repeated. His time was normal but Nari could feel the slight sense of irritation in it. It was as if this question wasn't a question but an order.

Nari wanted to slap herself for overthinking too much. What could go wrong. This is what she wanted right? So why not go for it.

"I- I would- yeah sure." Nari stammered.

He smiled, leaning forward to give her a kiss on the forehead.

"So tomorrow at 6?" He asked.

"Yea sure, where to?"

"Hmm.. how about that cafe near our school."

"Sure I'll be there."

"Great, see you."

With that the bell rang. The entire day Nari couldn't think about anything other then her encounter with him. She was busy in her own thoughts, sometimes unconsciously smiling to herself too.

"Yah! Did you even hear what I said?" Eun-ha yelled at her, as both of them were walking back from school.

"Yea I'm listening." Nari subconsciously said.

"Uh huh sure." Eun-ha smirked. "Now come on tell me. What's on your mind?"

Finally she was brought back to reality, "Oh uh.. I- I don't know how to say this but... Uh.. He uh.. asked me out.." Nari stuttered.

Hoping for a reaction from her friend, nari waited for her answer but there was none.

"What's wrong?" Nari asked.
She turned to look at her only to see her standing still with her mouth open.

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